08 July 2011

Give birth to healthy children!

German deputies allowed preimplantation diagnosis of embryosCopper news
The German Bundestag on Thursday, July 7, by a majority of votes approved a law allowing, with a number of restrictions, preimplantation genetic diagnosis (PGD) of embryos obtained by artificial insemination, reports Tagesschau (PID kunftig begrenzt zugelassen).

326 out of 594 deputies present voted for the bill.

Couples may resort to PGD if, due to hereditary diseases of the parents, there is a high probability of the birth of a seriously ill or dead child, as well as a miscarriage. The procedure provides that on the third day after artificial insemination, before the embryo is transferred to the uterus, a cell is taken from it, which is checked for the presence of genetic mutations and chromosome abnormalities.

The adoption of the law was preceded by a heated debate. In total, three bills were submitted for consideration. The first, eventually approved by the Bundestag, allowed preimplantation diagnostics with a number of restrictions, the second provided for a complete ban on PGD, the third also imposed a ban, but with some exceptions.

According to Greens MP Katrin Goering-Eckardt, a permit for PGD will lead to the disabled being considered "less valuable" than healthy people. The representative of the "Left" Ilya Seifert (Ilja Seifert) noted that the desire to have a healthy child may eventually degenerate into the desire to get a "super-child". The head of the CDU faction Volker Kauder warned against the "terrible consequences" of human intervention in the process of the origin of life.

For her part, the Minister of Labor in the government of Angela Merkel, Ursula von der Leyen, who is herself a mother of seven children, supported the permission for PGD, noting that any woman has the right to the most complete diagnosis during pregnancy. According to her, permission for PGD can help many couples suffering from hereditary diseases to overcome the fear of becoming parents. Karin Evers-Meyer, the former commissioner of the Bundestag for the Disabled, also supported preimplantation diagnostics.

Portal "Eternal youth" http://vechnayamolodost.ru08.07.2011

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