16 December 2014

A low-fat diet will help defeat breast cancer

Copper news

American scientists have found that long-term maintenance of a low-fat diet significantly contributes to prolonging the life of patients with breast cancer. The results of the study were presented at a symposium on breast cancer held in San Antonio (Lowering Dietary Fat Intake Reduces Death Rates in Some Women With Breast Cancer).

Previous studies have already shown that the accumulation of fat deposits in the waist area is directly associated with an increased risk of breast cancer. The new study involved 2,437 women aged 48 to 79 years who were treated for breast cancer.

Of these, 1,462 people were included in the control group, and 975 patients were transferred to a diet in which the proportion of incoming fats was reduced from 29.6 percent to 15 percent. Five years after the diagnosis, the mortality rate in the group of women who maintain a low–fat diet was 6.6 percent - almost 10 percent lower than the mortality rate of women in the control group. Women who reduced their fat intake also lost an average of about 2.5 kilograms of weight.

The longer the follow-up, the larger this gap was: after 15 years of observation, patients who maintained a low-fat diet for five years after the cancer diagnosis, mortality decreased by 20 percent compared to the control group. For women with estrogen-receptor-negative breast cancer (ER–), this difference reached 36 percent, and for those who simultaneously had ER– and PR– (progesterone-receptor negative) cancer – 56 percent.

The authors note that the study did not test the dependence on the HER-2 gene, whose disorders also cause uncontrolled growth of tumor cells. However, with negative ER and PR indicators, HER2 analysis, as a rule, also gives a negative result. Such a "triple negative" breast cancer is difficult to treat, since it does not respond to such generally recognized drugs as tamoxifen or herceptin.

Thus, a low-fat diet proved to be the most effective in the most complex forms of breast cancer. The effects of the diet manifest themselves over a long period of time, so a "low-fat" diet is useful in the early stages of the disease.

Portal "Eternal youth" http://vechnayamolodost.ru16.12.2014

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