02 November 2018

Before it's too late

New biomarker will detect heart failure before the first symptoms

Sergey Kolenov, Hi-tech+

Early diagnosis will give doctors more time for preventive treatment of heart failure. The authors of the discovery hope that the new technique will help save the lives of many patients.

In case of heart failure with a preserved ejection fraction, the diastolic phase of the heart is disrupted. This limits its filling with blood in the intervals between strokes and reduces the amount of blood entering the vessels.

So far, this type of heart failure, the most common of all, has been diagnosed using an echocardiogram after the first symptoms were detected. However, by the time symptoms appear, corrective therapy is already ineffective. A new study will help diagnose the disease much earlier.

Specialists from Cedars-Sinai Medical Center (USA) A reliable biomarker of heart failure with a preserved ejection fraction was found – a compound called cBIN1 Score (CS).

The biomarker allows you to judge the damage to the myocardium and the amount of protein that ensures the elasticity of the heart. The more CS in the blood, the higher the probability of illness.

The new biomarker can be used for routine medical examinations. Assessment of the CS level will allow doctors to adjust treatment and predict the risk of hospitalization in the next 12 months.

Researchers have proposed several new ways to combat heart failure. For example, the use of a micropeptide that restores the regulation of calcium in the heart muscle. And researchers from the United States proposed to treat the disease by "rebooting" immune cells.

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