22 January 2021

BMP5/7 against Parkinsonism

Israeli scientists have found a cure for Parkinson's disease

Svetlana Maslova, Hi-tech+

Scientists have discovered a protein that can slow down and even stop the progression of an incurable disease. Preclinical trials show excellent therapy results.

Currently, about 10 million people in the world live with Parkinson's disease and according to forecasts, the prevalence of this neurodegenerative disease will only grow. This disease is characterized by the death of dopamine-producing neurons. It is believed that one of the causes of their death is the protein alpha-synuclein, which folds incorrectly and forms clusters toxic to neurons.

Scientists from Ben-Gurion University determined that in dopamine-producing neurons, BMP5/7 protein signaling is reduced, writes EurekAlert. They suggested that this may contribute to the development of pathology.

Experiments on mouse models confirmed their guesses.

It turned out that the introduction of BMP5/7 effectively prevented tremor in mice – the main symptom of the disease, reversed the death of dopamine-producing neurons, and also reduced the accumulation of alpha-synuclein. "This means that BMP5/7 can slow down and even stop the progression of Parkinson's disease in humans," explained study author Claude Brodsky. Now all the efforts of his team are focused on the rapid launch of clinical trials.

Article by Vitic et al. BMP5/7 protect dopaminergic neurons in an α -synuclein mouse model of Parkinson's disease published in the journal Brain – VM.

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