20 January 2021

Cannabidiol against resistance

Synthetic cannabidiol has been recognized as an effective remedy against antibiotic-resistant bacteria


Scientists at the Australian University of Queensland have found out that synthetic cannabidiol can be effective against drug-resistant bacteria, the press service of the university reported.


Article by Blaskovich et al. T he antimicrobial potential of cannabidiol is published in the journal Communications Biology – VM.

The substance kills the pathogens of gonorrhea, meningitis, legionnaires' disease and other diseases.

Synthetic cannabidiol is better known as CBD. It is the main non-psychoactive component of cannabis.

"For the first time, CBD has been shown to kill some types of gram-negative bacteria. These bacteria have an additional outer membrane, an additional line of defense, which makes it difficult for antibiotics to penetrate," said one of the authors of the study, associate professor Institute of Molecular Biology UQ Mark Blaskovich.

The study also showed that CBD is effective against a much larger number of gram-positive bacteria than previously known, including antibiotic-resistant "golden staphylococcus."

Synthetic cannabidiol copes with the destruction of mucous accumulations of bacteria on the surface of teeth, which help microorganisms to survive during antibiotic treatment. At the same time, bacteria almost do not develop resistance to the substance.

Scientists have not yet figured out exactly how the substance works, but they believe that it kills bacteria by tearing their outer cell membranes.

In Australia, gonorrhea is the second most common sexually transmitted infection, and there is no reliable antibiotic for its treatment, because the pathogens of the disease develop resistance well.

Since the 1960s, no new molecular classes of antibiotics for gram-negative infections have been discovered and approved in the world. The discovery of Australian scientists may lead to the creation of the first new class of antibiotics.

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