26 November 2015

Combination therapy of melanoma

A new drug against melanoma has been tested on mice

The new compound, called SBI-756, affects the translation initiation complex, which are present in each cell and are necessary for protein synthesis. The drug developed by scientists causes dissociation of the components that make up the complex, which suppresses the growth of melanoma cells.

Ze'ev Ronai and other members of the research team believe that the new compound can be used as part of combination therapy. They emphasize that often the therapy is ineffective due to the developing drug resistance of melanoma. Combined therapy will make the treatment more effective.

It is known that more than 50% of melanomas are caused by mutations affecting the BRAF gene. Vemurafenib is used to fight such tumors. A long course of treatment causes tumor resistance, which significantly complicates the fight against the disease.

The authors showed that simultaneous administration of vemurafenib and SBI-756 to mice with melanoma caused the rapid disappearance of tumors or a slowdown in their growth. The effectiveness of the drug has also been shown on other forms of melanoma associated with mutations in the NRAS and NF1 genes.

Scientists note that low doses of the drug are necessary to achieve the desired effect, and the drug itself does not cause any toxic effects.

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