04 July 2012

Protection for beta cells was found in the pancreas itself

Pancreatic hormone prevents the development of diabetes

Kirill Stasevich, Compulenta

It seems that a remedy has been found that can protect pancreatic cells from diabetic death and increase insulin production.

Scientists from Duke University (USA) said they know how to protect beta cells of the pancreas from death. These cells produce insulin, and, as it is easy to guess, it is with them that the development of diabetes is associated. In the case of type I diabetes, beta cells die due to an autoimmune attack; in the case of type II diabetes, the immunity of tissues to insulin provokes disturbances in the work of beta cells, the number of which again falls.

It turned out that another hormone, TLQP–21, can protect cells from death. It is also synthesized in the pancreas and its properties are similar to glucagon-like peptide-1: both support and stimulate the synthesis of insulin by beta cells. There are a number of antidiabetic drugs based on a glucagon-like peptide. However, their use is associated with some side effects such as effects on the heart rate and bowel function, and therefore scientists have tried TLQP-21 as an alternative.

TLQP-21 was given to rats genetically predisposed to type 2 diabetes mellitus. The hormone increased insulin production and prevented beta cell death. The results of the experiments are presented in the journal Cell Metabolism (Stephens et al., A VGF-Derived Peptide Attenuates the Development of Type 2 Diabetes via Enhancement of Islet β-Cell Survival and Function; the figure from this article shows the mechanism protecting beta cells from apoptosis. Its key link is the precursor protein VGF, which, under the action of proteolytic enzymes, is cleaved into polypeptides of various lengths, including those consisting of 21 amino acids TLQP–21 - VM).

According to scientists, there is every reason to believe that TLQP-21 will protect pancreatic cells in the case of type I diabetes, although it develops differently. The researchers intend to test this assumption in the near future, and if it turns out to be true, then based on TLQP-21, it will be possible to create a drug that helps against both forms of diabetes. At the same time, no side effects from the hormone were noticed: it did not affect the work of the heart, stomach, or intestines.

Prepared based on materials from Duke University: Hormone Discovered That Preserves Insulin Production and Beta Cell Function in Diabetes.

Portal "Eternal youth" http://vechnayamolodost.ru04.07.2012

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