19 June 2018

The norm was proposed to increase

Vitamin D levels in the body linked to breast cancer risk

Natalia Pelezneva, Naked Science

Scientists from the University of California at San Diego have found that an increased level of calcifediol (one of the metabolites of vitamin D) in the blood serum is associated with a reduced risk of breast cancer. According to scientists, the results of their work suggest that the recommended daily intake of vitamin D should be increased. The study is published in the journal PLOS One.  

Calcifediol is one of the metabolic products of vitamin D3 (cholecalciferol) formed in the liver. Analysis of the content of this substance in the blood components allows you to determine whether a person receives a sufficient amount of vitamin c from food and from other sources. Vitamin D deficiency is associated with many disorders of the body, in particular a tendency to frequent migraines.

Oncologists studied data from two randomized clinical trials conducted from 2002 to 2017. 1,129 women took part in one, and 2,196 in the other. The experts also took into account data on 1713 participants of a long-term prospective study GrassrootsHealth cohort. All the women were over 55 years old, their average age was 63 years. At the time of the beginning of the research, none of them had been diagnosed with breast cancer, on average, their health status was monitored for about four years. During this time, doctors have recorded 77 cases of the disease.

The researchers concluded that the minimum level of calcifediol, which reduces the risk of developing the disease, is 60 nanograms per milliliter. According to modern guidelines (for example, issued by the US National Academy of Medicine), the norm starts at 20 nanograms per milliliter. The authors of the new work believe that this amount is clearly insufficient in terms of reducing the risk of breast cancer.


The relationship between morbidity and serum calcifediol levels / © PLOS One

Comments one of the authors of the study Cedric Garland (Cedric F. Garland): "We found that in women whose blood calcifediol levels exceeded 60 ng/ml, the risk of developing breast cancer was five times lower than in those whose blood contained no more than 20 ng/ml." The researchers took into account the age of the participants, their body mass index and propensity to smoke. In addition, the women indicated whether they were taking vitamin complexes and dietary supplements.

Oncologists believe that the recommended doses of vitamin D should be increased, as well as regularly monitor the level of vitamin metabolism products in the blood. In the new works, doctors plan to study how the level of vitamin D in the body affects the health of women before menopause.

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