27 July 2018

Brain organoids are improving

Scientists added missing cells to the brain from a test tube

Sergey Kolenov, Hi-tech+

Researchers from the United States have perfected the production of "brain organoids" – tiny brain models that are grown in a test tube for scientific purposes and drug trials. Scientists have added to them the missing type of cells, without which the normal functioning of the brain is impossible. As a result, the organoids began to look even more like a real brain.

Brain organoids are miniature spheres of neurons that mimic the structure of the human brain. They allow scientists to conduct research, and pharmacists can test new drugs on them.

Unfortunately, so far these models have been inaccurate and incomplete. They lacked oligodendrocytes – cells that maintain communication between neurons due to the release of myelin. The lack of this substance leads to multiple sclerosis and a number of other diseases.

Scientists from Case Western Reserve University (USA) they were able to add the missing cell type to the organoids. This significantly improves the quality of such models.

Organoids containing neurons, astrocytes and oligodendrocytes mimic a real brain much more accurately.

The researchers demonstrated that the organoids they created can be used to test drugs that stimulate the synthesis of myelin. Such a test will be an important intermediate stage between animal and human testing.

The scientists also simulated Peliceus-Merzbacher disease in the organoid, a rare but deadly hereditary disease. Previously, its study was difficult due to the lack of tissue samples from patients and many mutations that can lead to its development. Now it will be possible not only to investigate the disease, but also to look for ways to combat it.

Organoids can be grown not only on the basis of the brain. Mini-hearts are also in demand among cardiologists and developers of new drugs. Recently, scientists have created a model of the left ventricle of the heart, which can not only beat, but also simulate a heart attack.

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