21 March 2019

Control instead of prohibition

WHO: it is useless to introduce a ban on human gene editing

Sergey Kolenov, Hi-tech+

According to experts, strict control will make the use of technology more responsible. We need a unified register of such studies. But the ban on human gene editing will not help.

At its first meeting, the WHO International committee on human gene editing called for the creation of a transparent global registry in which data on all experiments to change human DNA will be entered. Not only potentially inherited changes, as in experiments with embryos, but also interference with the genome of somatic cells should be controlled.

Experts would like scientific journals and sponsors to require authors to share information about their experiments with the registry.

As noted by Science Magazine, this will help the committee to be aware of current research, and scientists will be forced to take a more responsible attitude to compliance with ethical requirements.

The committee members agreed that any new attempts to create genetically edited children are unacceptable. However, they refused to support the call for a moratorium on editing human embryos, published last week by a group of researchers.

As the co–chair of the committee, Margaret Hamburg, noted, a vague ban is not the measure that is necessary in the current situation.

The committee's recommendations will be forwarded to the WHO Director-General. Over the next 18 months, experts will develop global standards for human gene editing. This will help lay the foundation for international governance and responsible application of technology.

The Gene Editing Committee of 18 researchers and bioethicists was convened by WHO in response to news of the birth of the first genetically edited children. In November last year, Chinese scientist He Jiankui said that with the help of CRISPR he made twin girls resistant to HIV. The world community has severely criticized the researcher, and the Chinese government has launched an official investigation – although, perhaps, it was it that funded the experiments.

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