04 December 2018

You argue, and we will work

Harvard scientists will edit the sperm genome

Sergey Kolenov, Hi-tech+

While the whole world is furiously discussing the Chinese experiment, as a result of which the first children with an edited genome were allegedly born, similar studies are being conducted in other countries, which attract much less attention. Among them is the Harvard Sperm gene editing project.

Against the background of the scandal with the Chinese geneticist He Jiankui, many experts declared the unacceptability of editing embryos and germ line cells – eggs and spermatozoa. However, not all scientists agree with this, because the technology can be used for good, saving future children from many hereditary diseases.

For example, Werner Neuhausser's team from Harvard University (USA) in the coming weeks, I intend to edit the DNA of spermatozoa.

The goal of scientists is to correct a variant of the ApoE gene, which increases the risk of Alzheimer's disease by 60%.

To do this, a technology known as base editing is used. By replacing individual nucleotides, you can turn a dangerous version of ApoE into a safe one.

In addition to Alzheimer's disease, the team is also working on ways to combat amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. However, unlike the Chinese experiments, according to MIT Technology Review, there is no talk about the development of embryos and the birth of children with the help of such spermatozoa – American scientists are only trying to prove the fundamental possibility of the technology.

According to experts, in a few years the technique will allow to produce "edited" children. However, to do this, researchers may have to move their research outside the United States.

The fact is that American regulators, in particular, the FDA, are going to tighten control over such experiments. The head of the FDA even said on Twitter that editing embryos and germ cells should be considered unacceptable.  

According to Neuhausser, although people are scared of "designer babies", most are ready to accept gene editing for the treatment and prevention of diseases. The scientist also warns skeptics that in the event of a new worldwide epidemic, DNA editing may be the key to the survival of mankind. To counter the threats of the future, humanity needs to take its heredity under control.

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