24 November 2021

Methylation and diabetes

Epigenetics of twins has opened up new possibilities in the treatment of diabetes

Svetlana Maslova, Hi-tech+

Although identical twins have the same DNA, epigenetic changes will develop in each individually. Scientists have traced the life history of such twins and identified patterns that affect the development of the disease. They have already confirmed their findings among ordinary people with diabetes and presented potential treatment strategies that will soon be evaluated in clinical trials.

A group of researchers from Lund University analyzed data from 14 pairs of identical twins, where one of the brothers or sisters developed type 2 diabetes during their lifetime. The average age of the participants was 68 years. Scientists sought to determine their unique epigenetic changes and analyzed the methylation of DNA and microRNA in adipose tissue samples, according to a press release Twin study finds type 2 diabetes clues in epigenetic changes.

Observations showed that, despite the same genetics, epigenetic changes were associated with the development of diabetes. So, scientists have identified a reduced activity of the gene that produces microRNA-30. Then it turned out that similar patterns were found in other people with type 2 diabetes, confirming the trend in the nature of the disease.

"This means that the results are relevant for all people, not just for twins. They open the way for new treatment options in which microRNAs will be used as the active substance in the drug," commented co—author Emma Nilsson.

Such a strategy is already being studied in the framework of clinical cancer research, so scientists are optimistic. Today, many patients with type 2 diabetes do not receive the necessary results from drugs to control the disease or suffer from severe side effects. New therapy options can make a difference for hundreds of thousands of people.

Article by Nilsson et al. Differential DNA Methylation and Expression of miRNAs in Adipose Tissue From Twin Pairs Discordant for Type 2 Diabetes is published in the journal Diabetes – VM.

According to statistics, more than 400 million adults and children suffer from type 2 diabetes. The most important risk factors for the disease are considered to be a sedentary lifestyle and an unbalanced diet. Meanwhile, the correction of the diet, as studies regularly show, can significantly improve the condition and often lead to remission in a very short time.

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