01 December 2008

Fundamental sciences – medicine: competition for 2009

A competition of projects under the program of the Presidium of the Russian Academy of Sciences "Fundamental Sciences – Medicine" for 2009 has been announced.

The program is aimed at introducing the achievements of scientific institutions of the Russian Academy of Sciences in the field of natural and technical sciences in Russian healthcare in general, and in medical institutions of the Russian Academy of Sciences in particular. The nature of research and implementation work can vary widely – from deepening or obtaining fundamentally new ideas about the etiology and pathogenesis of socially significant diseases to developing and obtaining new medical materials, designing and bringing to the production of medical devices.

The program involves the development of projects in 10 scientific areas:1. General problems of etiology and pathogenesis

2. General diagnostic issues
3. Biophotonics
4. Computer Science
5. Medicines
6. Problems of consciousness in the clinic
7. Neurodegenerative diseases
8. Atmosphere and health
9. Medical materials
10. Medical devices

When considering projects, special attention will be paid to comprehensive research carried out within several departments of the Russian Academy of Sciences with the involvement of medical institutions of the Russian Academy of Sciences, as well as aimed at achieving concrete practical results in the academic healthcare system.

Applications must be submitted to the Coordination Center of the Program
(tel.: (495) 237-68-17, (495) 237-96-16), in electronic form (e-mail: nou@presidium.ras.ru ) no later than December 8, 2008.Detailed information is available on the Program's website.

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