19 February 2013

Start-2013: Biotechnology

Competition for R&D under the "START-13" program,
direction H5 (Biotechnology)

The Foundation for Assistance to the Development of Small Forms of Enterprises in the Scientific and Technical Sphere announces the start of accepting applications for participation in an open competition for small businesses under the Start-2013 program, direction H5 (Biotechnology).

Participation in competitions of small innovative enterprises that are part of innovative territorial clusters, technological platforms and whose founders include scientific or educational institutions (in accordance with Federal Law No. 217-FZ) is welcome.

The purpose of the program, its main stages are given in the Regulations on the "Start" Program.

Applications are submitted through the "Fund" system (Internet address – www.fasie-online.ru or www.система-фонд .RF).

The deadline for submitting applications is May 17, 2013

Before submitting applications, please read the following Recommendations for completing the application.

The procedure and conditions for holding open tenders are given in the notices and tender documentation.

Direction H5:

Tender documentationPortal "Eternal youth" http://vechnayamolodost.ru


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