27 February 2017

"Meat is harmful" and other health myths

Women’s Health

Meat is harmful, palm oil is harmful, antiperspirants cause cancer – health myths regularly shake the Internet. We will debunk six of them now.
Oleg Ivanov, a chemist, helped us.

Myth: the petunia gene is implanted in peanuts – a poisonous substance that contributes to a decrease in immunity and the occurrence of cancer.

What do we think about this? To begin with, a gene (part of a DNA molecule) cannot be poisonous in principle. I would like to put an end to this, but our expert Oleg Ivanov continues: "There is no confirmed data on which gene modification is present in peanuts and whether it is present at all. Even if it is, then any GMOs used (and therefore allowed) in agriculture – the same petunia gene also applies to them – are strictly controlled and absolutely safe for humans. So eat nuts and don't be afraid to turn into a pumpkin." Rumor has it that scientists have even developed a special variety for people who are allergic to peanuts. So that even those who suffer from intolerance, from time to time, do not deny themselves the pleasure.

Myth: antiperspirants containing aluminum salts are triggers of breast cancer.

What do we think about this? We don't know if you know, but every day with food you get a certain portion of aluminum, because the body needs 30-50 mg of this trace element per day – it is responsible for normal digestion and rapid wound healing. In addition, aluminum is also present in other cosmetics – the same mascara. It doesn't occur to you to carefully study its composition before buying, does it? Or is it coming? Then here is our "third". The rumor about the connection of aluminum and parabens from antiperspirants with breast cancer was launched by mammologist Philippa Darbre back in 2005. But her conclusions were later criticized and refuted by scientists more than once. Oleg Ivanov urges to trust the National Cancer Institute of the USA – for a moment, one of the most authoritative organizations in the field of oncology, which refutes the carcinogenicity of aluminum salts in antiperspirants.

Myth: there is a ton of chemistry in Barberry–type lollipops; if the soaked caramel is left on the tablecloth, then after a couple of hours the candy will corrode the fabric.

What do we think about this? Let's immediately read the composition of caramel: sugar, molasses, citric acid, barberry extract itself, flavor and dye E120, aka carmine. We confidently declare: none of the above can burn a hole in the fabric. You ask: what if an unscrupulous manufacturer hides a terribly secret ingredient from us? We offered our chemist to conduct an investigative experiment and put the tablecloth's life on the line. There was no tragedy. However, do not rush to grab another "barberry". There is still a sin behind the lollipops: they are quite high in calories.

Myth: meat is harmful, animal protein is the main provocateur of cancer and cardiovascular diseases. This was proved by Colin Campbell, who wrote the book "Chinese Research".

What do we think about it? A treatise that converts people to vegetarianism is in fact nothing more than an attempt by its author to become famous from scratch. Well, Campbell did it. However, there is simply no scientific data on the danger of dairy and other animal proteins, which the pseudoscientist convicted. There are only Campbell's laboratory experiments on rats of a breed naturally prone to developing cancer. Unlike the author of the "Chinese Study", Soviet scientists, for example, knew about such a rodent genetic mutation back in 1976. The book also mentions that in addition to experiments on animals, Campbell analyzed data from a survey of 6,500 Chinese residents about their diet. And now the question is: do we always answer the test questions honestly, accurately and without doubt? In general, dear Colin, a good bid to win, but the hypothesis requires thorough verification. In the meantime, we are for a sound approach and a balanced diet, including proteins, carbohydrates, and fats.

Myth: palm oil is harmful, especially when heated.

What do we think about this? "This oil is used mainly to replace butter," explains Oleg Ivanov. – And the fact is – just don't fall off the chair – that it is much more useful! There are no trans fats in palm oil. And there are more relatively harmful saturated fatty acids in milk fat." Our hero, of course, is not a sample of a healthy diet (it is much more useful to use vegetable oils like olive or linseed). But it is impossible to say that palm oil is harmful, whether it is heated or cold. However, there is a risk to get better.

Myth: the most dangerous product for men is chicken meat, which is grown on feed with a huge amount of female hormones.

What do we think about it? "Poor guys, meat is a potential carcinogen, chicken is with female hormones, all that remains is to chew celery! – our expert laments about the difficult male share. And explains: – In fact, the introduction of hormones into poultry feed is basically meaningless, because they will not be absorbed with food. Then you will have to constantly give the chickens injections to get some visible effect. But no one does that either: modern meat breeds of chickens are bred as fast as possible, and no additional stimulation is required for them." In general, let your man calmly chew the bird. And don't worry yourself.

Portal "Eternal youth" http://vechnayamolodost.ru  27.02.2017

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