20 June 2017

This is darkness

Emergency prevention of tick-borne encephalitis and homeopathy

Andrey Panov, XX2 century

The other day, information surfaced that just needs to be told, but it is extremely difficult to refrain from unprintable expressions.

It all started with the fact that a photo of an information poster flashed on the network, which reports that emergency prevention of tick-borne encephalitis can be done with the help of the drug "Anaferon". We posted this poster in the VKontakte group, and we were given a link to the order of the Ministry of Health already from 2012, where Anaferon is included in the "standard of specialized medical care for children with the meningeal form of tick-borne viral encephalitis of severe severity." It also turned out that according to the order of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Crimea, "Anaferon for children" should be used for emergency prevention of tick-borne borreliosis and tick-borne encephalitis. Now we will briefly explain why this is *****, ***!

What is tick-borne encephalitis?

Tick–borne encephalitis is a viral infection characterized by fever, intoxication and damage to the gray matter of the brain and/or the membranes of the brain and spinal cord. The disease can lead to neurological and psychiatric complications and even death. A person can become infected with tick-borne encephalitis virus, obviously, due to the bite of an infected tick. But not only that. Another way of infection is the milk of an infected goat or cow. And yes, there are no specific ways to treat tick-borne encephalitis!

That is, if I was bitten by a tick, then I will definitely die?

No. If you are already vaccinated, then you are practically in no danger, vaccines against tick-borne encephalitis are very effective. If you are not vaccinated, but you acted correctly immediately after the tick bite, then everything will be fine with a high probability. In Russia, bitten unvaccinated people can undergo "emergency prevention": a special immunoglobulin is injected intramuscularly, that is, ready-made antibodies to the virus. A detailed procedure for the correct actions in case of tick bite is well described in the blog of Candidate of Medical Sciences Alexey Yakovlev. In general, even if you do nothing, there is a chance that it will pass. But the lethality of some subtypes of the virus reaches 20-25%, not to mention complications. Therefore, you should not let it take its course.

And why is everyone so attached to "Anaferon"?

The manufacturer of "Anaferon", the company Materia Medica is trying to push her brainchild wherever possible (including the standards of the Ministry of Health) and wants to distance herself from homeopathy, but we know that this is homeopathy in its purest form. According to the data from the packaging, the concentration of the active substance in Anaferon is about 10-15 ng/g, that is, 10-24 g /g. And considering that the tablet weighs 3 mg, then one tablet of the active substance contains less than 10-26 grams. That is, he is not there. Detailed information about Anaferon and the manufacturing company can be found in the blog of Candidate of Biological Sciences Alexander Panchin. A memorandum of the Commission on Combating Pseudoscience and Falsification of Scientific Research at the Presidium of the Russian Academy of Sciences is devoted to homeopathy as a method. There is a lot of information, links to research, you can read, and we will only quote the second sentence of the memorandum: "The Commission declares that the treatment with ultra-low doses of various substances used in homeopathy has no scientific basis."

And what does all this have to do with tick-borne encephalitis?

We were also surprised by this – what the hell is the attitude?

So what do we have?

Tick–borne encephalitis is a serious disease for which there is no specific treatment. There is only vaccination, which is extremely effective, and emergency prevention with the introduction of a special immunoglobulin, which has a theoretical basis, but the practical effectiveness of which is questionable.

And what about homeopathy? Its practical effectiveness is zero, no matter what diseases it is tested for. And there is no sane theoretical hypothesis how it could work. And what do we have? And what we have is that instead of informing about real methods and ways of fighting for their health, people are crammed into things that are guaranteed not to work.

And when homeopathy is prescribed for a common seasonal cold, which passes with treatment in 7 days, and without treatment in a week, then this is bad, and this is, of course, fraud, but it is unlikely to have too serious health consequences. But when such a deliberately useless ***** is prescribed for emergency prevention of an incurable disease, which can have terrible consequences up to death – this is a crime. Especially when there are emergency prevention methods that can help. The people who allowed this are criminals. And the next time you see Anaferon packaging on the counter, hear the name of the Materia Medica company or see its head Oleg Epstein on TV, think: "Here you are ******!"

As Alexander Panchin rightly noted, it's time for the Minister of Health to resign.

P.S. One of the readers wrote to us in the comments in the VKontakte group:

Children's polyclinic No. 16 of the Primorsky district of St. Petersburg. Last year. A tick was handed over to the emergency room, there they gave a referral to the polyclinic. Came. They prescribed copious drinking and anaferon. I say, why, homeopathy? Well, firstly, this is not homeopathy, secondly, who are you, you do not understand anything, thirdly, this is our instruction. Instructions, ...lie down. Then, according to the instructions to the infectious disease specialist, the same thing, she still got talking and drove the cart about conferences, etc., where they are brainwashed. In short, they don't want to think themselves.

Portal "Eternal youth" http://vechnayamolodost.ru  20.06.2017

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