23 March 2018

This is not a "green man"

The mummy of the "alien" from Atacama turned out to be the remains of a sick baby

Ekaterina Rusakova, N+1

Geneticists have studied the Atacama mummy and found that it is the remains of a baby with numerous genetic disorders, according to Genome Research. After the discovery of a tiny mummy with a conical head at the beginning of the century, many versions were expressed about its origin – that it was the remains of a deformed human embryo, an anthropoid primate and even an alien.

The mummy of a strange creature was found in 2003 in the Atacama Desert, in the abandoned Chilean city of La Noria, which was founded near the largest deposits of sodium nitrate shortly before the First World War. The length of the skeleton found was about 12 centimeters, it had ten pairs of ribs instead of the usual human 12 pairs and a severely deformed elongated skull.


Different versions were expressed about the origin of the Atacama mummy, which was nicknamed "Ata". For example, the creators of the film "Sirius" were sure of the unearthly origin of the remains.

A Chilean collector of Indian artifacts who found the mummy sold it shortly after the discovery, then the remains were resold again and, eventually, settled in the collection of Spanish businessman Ramón Navia-Osorio. A few years ago, the owner allowed the American ufologist Steven Greer, one of the creators of the film "Sirius", to analyze the mummy using computed tomography and X-ray examination, and a geneticist from Stanford University, Garry Nolan, to take bone marrow samples for DNA analysis. The scan showed that, judging by the development of the bones, the mummy belonged to a 6-8-year-old child. A partially sequenced genome showed that the mummy definitely belonged to a human, and the remains were no older than several decades. For comparison, the researchers used the genomes of other humans and primates, including chimpanzees and rhesus monkeys. Moreover, the mummy had mitochondrial haplogroup B2. This meant that the child's mother was of South American origin.

In a new study, American geneticists led by Nolan sequenced the "Ata" genome completely, hoping to find possible mutations that affected the abnormal development of the child. The researchers also wanted to more accurately determine the origin and sex of the mummy.

It turned out that the child most likely came from Chile. He was genetically similar to Europeans, East Asians and natives of the Andes. This combination, judging by previous studies, is typical for the inhabitants of Chile. The authors of the article found two X chromosomes in the genome of the mummy, that is, the child was a girl. In addition, scientists have found 64 mutations (including previously unknown ones) in seven genes that are associated with the normal development of the skeleton and connective tissues. With mutations in these genes, a person may develop, among other things, abnormal rib development, congenital lethal dwarfism, malformations of the skull bones, osteochondrodysplasia (abnormal development of cartilage and bone tissue) and osteogenesis imperfecta (increased bone fragility).

The researchers note that given the size of the mummy and the severity of the detected violations, most likely the child was born prematurely, possibly already dead, or died shortly after birth, and the abnormally "mature" bones for the baby, according to which the authors of the article identified the child at 6-8 years old, were also the result of mutations. Although the authors of the article can only guess at the causes of so many mutations, they assume that nitrates, which have been shown to seriously damage DNA, are to blame for them. Given that the "Ata" was found in an abandoned "nitrate" city, this reason seems quite likely.

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