31 March 2009

Water, microwave, nanowire…

Alexander Borisovich Shcherbakov, "Nanometer"The reason for writing this text was the publication in the journal "Technology of Youth" (No. 3 for 2009) "At the meeting of technologies and investments" about promising areas for financing the Rusnano Corporation.

At the beginning of the article, the author notes that these directions must meet the requirements of "the highest technological aerobatics of the XXI century" and reveals the meaning of the requirements: "understanding and purposeful use of self-consistent natural processes in which systems adapt to environmental conditions by nanofractionation." How can these processes be distinguished? It's very simple, because "the description of such processes is conducted in terms of nonlinear equations, there are no general methods for solving them" (for some reason, when reading, a persistent deja vu arises: the article is the sister of the "Uprooter" born by SCIgen). The following is a specific example entitled "nanowire against free radicals"...

Indeed, the role of water in the course of biological (including) processes and its unusual physicochemical properties give rise to both a large number of scientific papers (applied and theoretical) and a lot of speculation. But for some reason, exclusively unscientific and mystical messages are gaining special popularity; on their basis, journalists (with the persistence of SCIgen) generate absolutely fantastic texts. Today, such opuses are published not only by popular scientific journals, but even academic journals, "researchers" receive prizes for scientific achievements and make discoveries in patent offices. And the layman sees in this a divine scientific revelation. "People eat", or rather (since we are talking about water) slurps.

"People slurps" is not a sarcastic remark, but the title of one of the reviews of the documentary "The Great Secret of Water", which two years ago (with success) was broadcast on Russian television channels.

Surely many people have watched the film. Those interested read intriguing information on the Internet: "Japanese scientist Emoto Masaru managed to photograph the emotions of water.". Later, the most meticulous found out that the whole film is a fake, more than an hour of pseudoscientific reasoning about the "quasi–structure", "newly discovered properties" and "water memory". With bright pictures, beautiful music and the insinuating voice of the announcer. Using the above links, you can read a review of the film, there is no point in analyzing its content in detail (there is a transcript). It would seem: well, what's special about this, TV is full of similar programs (for example, "Inexplicable, but a fact"). Somewhere Nessie was caught, somewhere a psychic dropped Big Ben into the Thames with the power of his mind, the water remembered it all… The inexperienced viewer is used to it and is not surprised. Maybe the specialist will grin – he is also used to it. But! in the same year, the film received the Laurel Award in the category of "best popular science film" and three TEFI awards, including for "best documentary film"! When the popularization of ignorance and obscurantism in society is passed off as the popularization of science, it is no longer funny.

The classic said: "if the stars are lit, then someone needs it." "Scientific popularity" is secondary, as always based on money. The main sponsor of the film, Emoto Masaru (the one who has long been called a pseudoscientist in the West and is engaged in "pseudoscience"), is also the founder of a new religious sect, "Hado". In this way, he informs the audience that it is necessary to join his adherents, read his books and buy "enchanted water" Indigo Water for $ 35 per half liter. The film is built in the "classic genre" of NLP: first, the authors give out several indisputable (known) facts or expert comments (the viewer agrees and is ready), and then they make the necessary conclusion (the viewer is stunned, but still agrees). After this information, a lot of things fall into place.

At various times, "new types of water" appeared and were widely advertised, in particular structured water, magnetized water, water "with the memory of the past", polymer water, etc. But, none of the "convincing experiments" of the metaphysical properties of water were consistently reproduced. The million dollar prize announced for a testable experience demonstrating the memory of water has not been received by anyone. But attempts to get money from gullible viewers, as a rule, always end successfully.

Here is a typical example of the consequence of "water memory" – homeopathy. So, one "popularizer of science" in the article "Discoveries: how does water store and transmit information?" writes (and not anywhere, but on the website of Izvestia Nauki): "The peculiarities of the physical properties of water ... create favorable opportunities for the formation of special structures-associates (clusters) that perceive, store and transmit a variety of information. Homeopathy, which has already had two hundred years of experience and is experiencing a new stage of development in our time, is based on this ability of water." It has long been known that the very concept of "homeopathy" refers to pseudoscience, in clinical conditions no homeopathic result is reproduced and registered at the placebo level. However, pharmacy shelves are bursting with homeopathic medicines (not only under the brand of harmless dietary supplements). And after all, no regulatory body of State Supervision is outraged, television advertises, doctors recommend, and people pay money and slurp.

"The magnetic memory of water" is the same scientific nonsense. Despite the fact that a large segment of the water treatment equipment market is occupied by such devices, there is no "magnetization of water" and there cannot be. Water is a diamagnetic (magnetic susceptibility is close to the value for nitrogen) and does not have its own magnetic moment; disturbances imposed by an external electromagnetic field disappear immediately after the field is removed (more precisely, at the speed of light). Another question is that paramagnetic or ferromagnetic particles (for example, metal oxides) may be present in the water – then why lie, we must immediately talk about the magnetic treatment of colloidal solutions or suspensions. But to admit that such a device is not effective for any water (not for all impurities) means to lose part of the profit…

The pseudo-hypothesis about the "memory" of water is also used to prove that "not all methods of water purification are equally useful." I.e., if one of two samples of equally purified water was treated "incorrectly" (not according to the "correct" technology), she remembered it (and probably will take revenge:). The same author states: "water stores genetic memory due to the fact that in the structural and dynamic parameters of the aquatic environment (having specific biological activity) there is information about previous impacts, including the effects of the water purification processes themselves. Purified water can be considered water with a high level of structural and dynamic parameters (according to the type of "melt" water)"

"Meltwater" is just a beautiful literary epithet. Like the expression "spring waters" or "distant waters of the Mississippi." "Freshly melted" water at 4 ° C is no different from "freshly cooled" to the same temperature – except that it is cleaner (due to freezing of impurities). Usually, in the manufacture of such water, only a part of the original volume is used, which froze first, and most substances and compounds dissolve much worse in ice than in water (this part is poured out). "The specifics of intermolecular interactions characteristic of the ice structure are preserved in meltwater, since only 15% of all hydrogen bonds are destroyed during the melting of the crystal" – the traditional explanation of the properties and benefits of "meltwater". From the point of view of physics, this statement is true: it is believed that when the water temperature rises to 4 ° C, the ordering of the arrangement of molecules according to the crystalline type with a characteristic structure for ice is preserved to some extent. The voids present in this structure, characteristic of the ice structure, are filled with released water molecules, as a result of which the density of the liquid increases to a maximum at a temperature of 3.98 ° C. And this is a normal property of any (not only "thawed") water at this temperature. It's good or bad – it doesn't matter, because we can't "benefit" from the properties of such water, because when it gets into our stomach, it acquires body temperature – and with it all the other attributes of warm (bad?) water. "Water restores the natural structure..." is an example of how mystical conclusions are drawn from an ordinary physical phenomenon.

By the way, the brand "meltwater" is little commercialized. Perhaps this is due to the availability of the product for self-production. Although, I have already had to deal with such a miracle as "cosmetics made on meltwater" (there is also a second option "on thermal water"). I give you an idea for free, "meltwater in situ" (ice cream manufacturers, ow!): a piece of ordinary (transparent) ice on a stick. Lick it if you want, smooth out wrinkles if you want. With the appropriate advertising support, success is guaranteed.

Masaru is the "godfather" of another "device" for obtaining such a micro–wave - Aquadisk. The principle of operation (it is worth quoting in full): after installing the water tank on the Aquadisk, with the help of a dielectric object (wooden or plastic), the water is kneaded until a funnel is formed, i.e. a rotor is created. The centers of conductivity of water are arranged so that they form lines of conductivity. Under the influence of the rotor, these conduction lines (conductors) cross the magnetic lines of the "power source", which leads to the appearance of an electric current in them. This current excites Foucault currents in the water, which introduce disequilibrium in the medium and cause the bonds of impurities with water molecules to break. In addition, the reference modulates the magnetic lines with the information recorded in it. Magnetic lines permeate the volume of water and interact with it. The spectral components of impurities in water, interacting with the spectral components of the standard, lose their energy and either precipitate, or diffuse into the vessel material, or pass into other substances. This "Grubber" has a patent of the Russian Federation No. 2192902, certified, awarded a gold medal at the international exhibition "Environmentally friendly products" and a silver medal at the IV International salon "Archimedes-2003". And it is being sold very successfully.

In order for water to store information ("have memory"), it must be structured by more than one order. Indeed, liquid water is structured in some way (due to hydrogen bonds). But it is clearly shown that there is no long-range order for water molecules. Any interactions of more than the first order (which theoretically could be information carriers) exist only femtosecond intervals of time; time increases slightly with a decrease in temperature.

We leave monomolecular layers of water (adsorbed on a solid hydrophilic surface or located between such surfaces) as having nothing to do with the volume of the liquid (we will return to them later). We will also leave polymorphic areas of ice (high pressures or ultra-low temperatures) as non-existent within the natural biosphere of the Earth (sha, Kurt Vonnegut's catastrophe with ice-9 does not threaten us). And we will confidently repeat the words from the school chemistry course: "in nature, water exists in three aggregate states: one gaseous, one liquid and one solid." Sometimes someone somewhere "opens" new modifications of water – and immediately closes it. It is enough to recall the example of B. Deryagin's "polymer water" (the presence of a silicate surface is necessary for the effect) – a true scientist will always find the courage to publicly admit his mistakes. In the West, they are not familiar with Soviet science; recently, "viscous water" in nanometer gaps was rediscovered in the USA ("Nanometer" has already written about this). The effect requires the same silicate surface of glass or mica (not observed on graphite) and a silicon (Si) needle. However, the authors claim that the key word is nanometer.

A lot has been written about the properties of water, misconceptions (and conscious deceptions) and it is not worth repeating. The main difference between "macro" water from "micro" and "nano", the authors of mystical hypotheses operate with familiar (trivial) concepts: memory, emotional impact, magnet, music, snowflake shape, etc. Any Chumak can "create" such water without special knowledge and equipment. If you need to "explain the principle of operation", there is SCIgen or its Russian-language analogues (for example, Yandex-abstract). But it is worth going a little lower (into the depths, so to speak, of science) – the terminology becomes somewhat different, "accessible only to a select few." However, the conclusions from the ornate science are the same: water acquires special properties and it must certainly be bought and drunk.

About six months ago, a very qualified microbiologist and virologist asked to comment on a certain remedy for the treatment of hepatitis. It turns out that no one needs his long-term research and development of pharmaceutical antiviral drugs, since a certain drink has already been created (and, according to the authors, has no alternative), which cures hepatitis C with a 100% guarantee. On closer inspection, this drink turned out to be water. Of course, this is not simple water, but "specially treated water", or "micro-water". Moreover, the authors do not delve into the scientific wilds, leaving it to another Japanese specialist (the scientific mastermind of the works of Emoto Masaru) to do this Hidemitsu Hayashi. Even part of their website is a tracing paper from Hayashi's works: "Micro-water (ionized water) this is treated tap water that has not only been filtered, but has also been transformed so that reduced water with a huge amount of electrons can be delivered to the active oxygen in the body to stop the oxidation of normal cells."

Water "with a huge number of electrons" inspires me with genuine horror. So, a glass of water (~11 mol) having at least 1% of uncompensated (excess) electrons will have a cumulative charge of ~10 5 Kl. For comparison: a ball lightning with an uncompensated charge of 10-5 Kl explodes with an energy of about 10 kJ. Accordingly, 10-11 J of a glass of such water corresponds to an ammunition package with a capacity of more than 20 tons in TNT equivalent… God forbid this information will get into the Pentagon or (even scarier) Messrs. G. Astute and B. Nursery!

The main argument in favor of such water is the negative redox potential (ORP, redox potential), which is why it acquires restorative (antioxidant) properties. Moreover (at the request of the manufacturer), ORP in such water persists for a long time. The "induced" long–term ORP of water is nothing but another deception of the consumer. For pure water (according to the Nernst equation), it is possible to lower the ORP value (without changing the pH) only with the help of an excess of hydrogen gas. Such "hydrogen" water is difficult to store. Hydrogen is slightly soluble in water (0.0182 ml/g at 20 ° C and 1 atm) and easily diffuses through the walls of polymer bottles. For aqueous solutions of organic compounds, electrolytes or sols, the ORP value can be changed (lowered) in many different ways, including the introduction of a third-party reducing agent or electrolysis (the cathode region is saturated with released hydrogen). Only does this liquid have the right to be called water? By the way, gentlemen scientists, what kind of stabilizer "glycine hypochloride" do you use for your water? Hydrochloride? Hypochlorite (ugh-ugh)? And how can such water affect the hepatitis virus?

We have already passed "Electrochemically activated water"; "living and dead water" (catholyte and anolyte) are solutions of different electrolytes, and not different forms of the individual compound "water". Obviously, it was the electrolysis of water that gave rise to the myth (repeated many times by incompetent or unscrupulous scientists) that in different chambers of an electrochemical cell, water acquires a corresponding excess positive or negative charge, which persists when the voltage on the electrodes is turned off. However, many "popularizers of science" sin by ignorance not only of electrochemistry, but also of elementary physics. So, in the article "Ordinary and unusual water", the aforementioned author writes: "During the electrolysis of ordinary water.. an insignificant number of molecules of heavy and semi-heavy BUTD water are also formed." Alas, alas, it is not formed, like gold from mercury. Electrolysis serves only as a way of concentrating heavy water, which is present in micro quantities in "ordinary" due to the fact that the potential of deuterium release at the cathode has a more negative value than the potential of protium release.

Without a doubt, the anolyte in vitro will inactivate viruses, since sodium chloride (present in water) forms chlorine gas, chlorine derivatives and peroxides during electrolysis at the anode. But no one in their right mind with viral diseases will drink "Domestos" or "Whiteness" (hypochlorite solutions). Finally, let everything be true in this magical water. But how will it pass through the gastric barrier unchanged? Maybe it does not mix with ordinary water and biological fluids (aqueous solutions) by a stable buffer system of the body? What will get to the hepatitis B virus in the liver? Then it would be more correct to inject this water intravenously. Why don't the authors suggest this? Yes, who will buy it, because you can't put a dropper on yourself at home and you can bring an infection (for example, hepatitis :)... And so – take and drink. For one course, (18 packages) – only 36,000 rubles + delivery.

It is not only possible to obtain an "activated microwode" for the treatment of viral infections by electrolysis. "Structured water obtained using Telos technology is guaranteed to cure white mice infected with the BSE virus."

Telos generates a magneto-acoustic wave... Everyone can imagine a hybrid of lemon and orange. But hardly anyone can imagine a hybrid of an orange and a suitcase. Approximately such a hybrid is represented by a "magneto-acoustic wave in water". However, this does not prevent "scientists" from promoting their water in all areas of the national economy (not only in medicine), obtaining patents of the Russian Federation (No. 2155081 and 2162736) and even (even!!!) register the industry standard STO TELOS 01-11-99; and the Department of Scientific and Technological progress in the agro-industrial complex of the Ministry of Science of Russia recommends the use of "Telos technologies" in agriculture. Here is a serious editorial from Pravda No. 31 for March 2002 (the style is preserved): such Harry Potters come to the director of the state farm and ask: "what do you need, older"? He said to them: "Yes, eta! There are not enough pesticides! And the harvest is small." The guys say: "Okay, Dad! We won't structure it too much for the first time, as if we wouldn't drown in our own grain later!". They take a box out of their pocket ("But the main thing that infuriates scientists is that the principle of operation of the device is unknown") and turn the levers there are different, install one – chemicals minus fifty, the second – harvest plus ten. And well – charge the water! Rita Skeeter is like a piano – next to the corn.

The very origin of the term "micro-wave" is unclear, but otherwise everything is clear. A commercial move (to put it mildly) by unscrupulous scientists. Osya Bender with his "400 relatively honest ways of taking money (From)" is just resting. The next step, of course, is nanotechnology. Even more modern, more scientific (and, accordingly, even more expensive). For example, only "a leading Russian scientist and inventor in the field of nanotechnology" could develop such an "energy concentrate of physical vacuum" as "Verishchagin energy information water"...

If everyone is busy with water and its properties, then only scientists are engaged in micro–water. And on the water – only cool scientists.

However (going back to the publication in the journal again), as it turned out, this "state" is not very different from the "micro-wave". The nanowire also has a negative charge and is saturated with additional electrons (if you want – drink, if you want – dump on the head of a likely opponent). However, it was obtained not by simple electrolysis, but "by manipulating nanoclusters with resonant interaction of dipoles. Due to the high Q-factor of cluster nanoresonators, water retains its redox potential for hours and days."

For the final clarification of the mechanism of obtaining (and action) of the nanowire, it is worth quoting one more quote from the manufacturer's website: "Nonlinear resonance makes it easy enough to explain numerous "abnormal" phenomena (acceleration of biochemical reactions, homeopathy, "transmutation" of elements, "cold" thermonuclear fusion, contactless activation of liquids, recording of "information" on water, Dietary supplements, "new unknown biofields", vortex generators of heat and energy with efficiency >100%, "supernova torsion transmitters of information", unique weakly mineralized sterilizing, disinfecting, washing solutions, antioxidant properties and resonant microcluster structure of aqueous solutions with relaxation times from seconds to several days or more) and outline further ways of solving urgent problems by methods of nonlinear classical physics". The main sign of mental deviation is the author's attempt to explain everything previously unexplained in the nature of one (universal and ideal) theory. Mad scientist? Or a sober calculation in order to increase the sales of their products (Icarus water treatment devices)?

However, not quite. Resonant vibrations (the basis of the theory of the "domestic nanowire") are translated into Japanese as "Hado", and this is the religion of the Emoto Masaru sect. The Japanese sensei's sprawling ears shine through the murky layer of nanowires. And Hayashi echoes: "with the help of electrolysis, the reduced water not only acquires an excess number of electrons (e), but also clusters of water, apparently, reduce the size from 10-13 molecules per cluster to 5-6 molecules per cluster."

By the way, water clusters are really interesting ("nanometer" :) objects and are being actively studied. The concept of a cluster has a physical meaning only when several molecules (united among themselves) are separated from the bulk of water (surrounded by another phase and/or another medium). But "clusters of water in the volume of water" are only of theoretical interest for all possible model approximations. Talking about individual clusters of water in volume is like saying: "a piece of gold consists of a huge number of gold nanoparticles." The next step is to declare that "these two pieces of gold are different because they consist of nanoparticles of different sizes." Accordingly, one of them is more expensive.

Adherents of the cluster theory of "water memory" of course know that the long-range order in water (and, accordingly, the existence of cluster-type formations) has a "lifetime" of about 10-14 seconds and they are forced to "adjust" their theories to this knowledge. For example, Prof. Martin Chaplin (participant of the aforementioned film) states: "the fact that hydrogen bonds are created and destroyed almost instantly is beyond doubt, but it does not mean that these changing structures are not capable of carrying information. You can draw an analogy with a folk dance: each participant constantly changes partners, but the pattern of the dance remains unchanged." This explanation is nothing more than a beautiful pun. A "certain dance" can be called the behavior of atoms or molecules in any condensed medium (the totality of the physicochemical parameters of the medium depends on it). The "number of partners" of one molecule is different for different substances and depends, for example, on temperature (for water, a more complex relationship). But! Using the same terminology, for water it is a dance to one music, i.e. in any water, for example, "swan lake" is always performed and no structuring can be recorded and danced "rock and roll" (couples dancing "rock and roll" among the general ballet are unreal at all). Here is another example when mystical conclusions are drawn from an ordinary physical phenomenon.

Water on a surface or between two surfaces is a well–studied object. However, not everything is clear here either. In thin films, the role of diffusion of molecules (atoms, ions) of adsorbate increases, which significantly distorts the behavior of these films (for example, "polymer water"). The behavior of ultrathin (black) films on the surface is determined by the nature of intermolecular forces. During physical interaction with the surface, the adhesion forces usually do not exceed the cohesion forces of the water itself; if the delta is significantly greater than the energy of hydrogen bonds, most likely we should talk about chemical interaction (in this case, it is incorrect to consider water as an individual substance). In the case of individual molecules and groups of molecules (clusters), it is also difficult to distinguish at what degree of disturbance of the electronic structure of the water molecule by the adsorbate, water still retains the properties of an individual substance. These facts give rise to numerous errors (and sometimes deliberate speculations) in the interpretation of the data on the behavior of water at the interphase boundaries. Water in biological systems is an even more tempting object for quasi–research and manipulation; it was "structured" long before the "nano" terminology came into fashion.

M.V. Volkenstein wrote ("Treatise on Pseudoscience", Chemistry and Life, No. 10, 1975): "Pseudoscientific ideas about the special structure of water in biological systems are widespread"; (sorry for the big quote, it's worth it): "Instead of studying the change in the state of biopolymers and supramolecular structures, for example biological membranes in a developing plant, imaginary changes in the structure of water are studied. Ignoring the physics of water and the physics of liquids in general, the authors of pseudoscientific works talk about "the state of water at the submolecular level" (?). And in one dissertation, "the possibility of the presence in plant cells was discovered... thirteen types of water structures" (!). Why thirteen and not a hundred and thirteen? As one of the theses of the same dissertation, a significant provision appears: "The regulation of the state of water in the cell is carried out adaptively and hierarchically, which determines its high reliability. The central point of regulation is the general metabolism in the whole plant, and the functional groups (centers) of non-aqueous components of the cell are local." These words sound quite scientific, but they are completely devoid of content! In the works of K.S. Trincher, who denies the validity of the second principle of thermodynamics in biology, it is stated that "the physical feature of intracellular water is its ordered, quasi-crystalline structure while maintaining the properties of liquid water of low viscosity ..." Again, a scientific, but meaningless statement: water changes its structure, but retains the viscosity of an ordinary liquid (?!). The ways of verifying this statement by the author, of course, are not specified."

If the word "nano" is inserted in some places in the above text, then the following phrase may turn out: "If not all, then the vast majority of intra- and extracellular water is structured by bio-nanoparticles, since their sizes range from tens to hundreds of nanometers. Since boundary water is a phase with special physical and chemical properties, it is quite legitimate to call it "nano-water", and the methods of controlling its properties are "hydro-nanotechnology". There are more and more indications that it is nano-water that underlies all life processes. Another question is that for the effective implementation of hydro-nanotechnology in biology and medicine, it is still necessary to go a very long way to study the fundamental properties of bio-nano-water." Another "Grubber"? No, the words belong to a doctor of sciences, one of the "creators" of the aforementioned film.

And another quote from the same author "So, antibodies (molecules responsible for immunity), always present in the blood of humans and animals, contribute to the direct oxidation of water molecules with oxygen, i.e., in fact, its gorenje. Apparently, only specially organized, structured water, which differs from ordinary water no less than easily burning wood differs from small sawdust, can "burn", i.e. oxidize with oxygen." Perhaps, with these nanotherms, the author was just trying to tell about the catalytic reaction of the formation of hydrogen peroxide or a peroxide radical in a biological system? For example, the process (xanthine + H 2 O + O 2 = uric acid + H 2 O 2)? In this case, the scientist should use Occam's razor not only to grind the surrounding objects to the state of "nano". Note: by definition, "gorenje is an oxidation process that proceeds with the release of heat." The interaction of water with oxygen (with the formation of peroxide) is an endothermic process and terminologically cannot be called gorenje. And another thing: can you imagine what a journalist will write who was told that water can burn?! Even if it is not simple, but a "nanowire" (ts: after all, some scientist knows the difference and the way it is "nanoed" on the scale of the world ocean)?! Can you imagine this terrible scenario for Hollywood?

However, why the conventions, boldly – go ahead! Who said that the monomolecular layers of ash-two-o on the surface cannot be considered an individual substance and considered outside the adsorbent-adsorbate system? Why can't groups of ash-two-o molecules in the cavities of biopolymers be called "nanoclusters of water", because they are a "new structure"? And it is clear to everyone: how many types of polymers, molecules and biological surfaces – there are so many nanowire structures near them! In development, I give a topic. Nanoclusters of air on a solid surface. An untilled field. For example, a scientific paper: "paradoxical behavior of nanoclusters of air structured by microparticles". The object of the study: "a bag of flour". Main conclusions: "air can be loose"! And (so as not to doubt that it is not a "Grubber") – thanks: "the author thanks the alphabet for the kindly provided letters." From this point of view, solutions should also be called "structured (activated) water in a certain way". Soon it will be possible to see the inscription on the medicine bottle in the pharmacy: "water activated with glucose (boric acid, sodium chloride, etc.)" or in the store: "nanoclusters of water activated with 40% ethanol". We should expect new adjectives, as well as comparative and superlative degrees of comparison. For example, ammonia is highly activated water. Something homeopathic – weakly activated water. Cucumber brine is slightly structured water. Thick wallpaper glue (carboxymethylcellulose solution) is very highly structured water...

And really, why be petty if "people slurps"? The second water has already followed the "first water" (summary: "if water has memory, then it is alive!"). Obviously, there will be more water-three, water-four... and there will still be ice-nine. In the meantime, in a humid environment, "Mold" is actively growing – a fresh "movie masterpiece" by the same authors. This time the biologists are in a stupor. But the mass media are rejoicing: "It is unknown whether the film "Mold" will receive a TEFI statuette, but it has already received an incredibly high rating on Channel One. In addition, the mold has completely killed the water in popularity with viewers."

I would like to draw a line with another quote (rather sharp in form), this time said by a journalist to us: "the reason is the lack of normal popularization aimed at bringing reliable information to the journalist. Gentlemen scientists, it is necessary to work with the press, and not to be sarcastic about esotericism, presented as science in the film "about water". Otherwise, the water will really gain memory and flood the brains."Portal "Eternal youth" www.vechnayamolodost.ru


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