Tiny devices guided by an external magnetic field will be able to destroy bacteria that multiply deep in the tubules of teeth.
19.05.2022Tiny devices guided by an external magnetic field will be able to destroy bacteria that multiply deep in the tubules of teeth.
19.05.2022A sensor the size of a stack of six American quarters is attached to the patient's arm and collects data on the level of alcohol, lactate and glucose.
17.05.2022A gel seeded with stem cells, on a framework of silk proteins, accelerates the healing of tendons.
13.05.2022An international group of scientists has obtained nanocapsules with a polymer shell that overcome the blood-brain barrier.
26.04.2022DNA machines do not require expensive equipment and can work at room temperature, and the result can be seen with the naked eye.
21.04.2022The new technology can become a universal tool of tissue engineering.
19.04.2022Silver nanoparticles are eventually removed from all internal organs in which they accumulate after oral administration, except the brain.
18.04.2022Under the influence of sunlight, the filter produces reactive oxygen species that destroy pathogens and chemical pollutants.
07.04.2022A lipid nanoparticle carrying an RNA-based drug increases the sensitivity of the tumor to chemotherapy and makes it noticeable for immunotherapy.
06.04.2022The lipid nanocontainer allows synthesizing and analyzing over 40,000 molecules in a space smaller than a pinhead.
06.04.2022Bandages based on organic polymers and silver nanoparticles stimulate the healing of diabetic ulcers and chronic wounds.
31.03.2022Swiss scientists have developed a "nano-syringe" for jewelry-precise insertion of mitochondria into a living cell.
28.03.2022A vaccine based on spherical nucleic acid causes an order of magnitude stronger immune response than a simple mixture of components.
28.03.2022The shells of red blood cells can be filled with a large dose of viral proteins – without the genetic material of the virus.
15.03.2022The antibacterial material based on nanocarbon is characterized by high efficiency, low toxicity and low cost.
14.03.2022Antimicrobial material based on silver and acid will not contribute to the appearance of drug resistance in bacteria.
03.03.2022Researchers have developed a technology for stimulating brain cells, in which their activity is regulated using magnetic nanoparticles.
25.02.2022The DNA polymer in the composition of the new hydrogel makes it manageable and stable. It can be used in medicine and robotics.
18.02.2022Japanese scientists have developed an aerosol that allows any fabric, including used items, to be impregnated with silver ions, not in factory conditions.
14.02.2022A rapid respiratory test for COVID can be used for mass screening in public places.
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