23 November 2015

Do not wash your socks, even if they stick to the ceiling!

Odorless Socks received funding on Kickstarter

Anatoly Alizar, Geektimes 

SilverAir Crew Sock socks from Y Athletics will not have to be washed often. Because they never smell unless you step foot into something nasty.

This is the second model of odorless socks from the company, they are made using the same technology as the first short socks (ankle-length). The previous model was sporty: for running or cycling, you can't wear such under trousers. Now anyone can get rid of the smell, new socks of normal length. Happiness has come to every home and office.

A composition of silver is introduced into the fabric of socks, which kills bacteria – the source of the smell. The prototype passed a rigorous test. Among the beta testers was, for example, one Dutch amateur cyclist who drove about 1300 km without taking off his socks. At the end of the trip, they didn't smell anything.

In the first 12 hours, the Kickstarter project raised twice the necessary funds, and now orders for $75,000 have been accepted. That is, SilverAir Crew Socks can become the most popular socks in the history of crowdfunding.

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