30 May 2013

Andropause in the cores begins earlier

Heart failure was associated with early male menopause

Copper newsHeart failure accelerates the aging process and leads to early menopause in men.

As the results of the study presented at the annual congress of the European Society of Cardiology Heart Failure Congress 2013 in Lisbon (Portugal) showed, in men with impaired cardiac function, the early (up to 50-60 years) onset of andropause syndrome (CA, by analogy with menopause in women) is four times more common than in those without heart disease, EurekAlert reports! (Heart failure accelerates male 'menopause').

Male menopause (andropause), signaling the end of the functioning of the reproductive system, is accompanied by a decrease in the production of male sex hormones, primarily testosterone, which gives rise to a number of clinical symptoms – erectile dysfunction, loss of libido, psychological problems, sleep disorder, muscle weakness, and so on.

A group of specialists from Wroclaw Medical University (Poland), led by Professor Ewa A. Jankowska, compared the prevalence of CA and the severity of its symptoms in 232 men aged 40-80 years with a diagnosis of systolic heart failure and 362 participants in the control group of the same age.

It was found that CA is present in a third of male "cores" regardless of age. In the age group of 40-59 years, men with impaired cardiac activity had CA four times more often than members of the control group of the same age, while the symptoms of the disorder, especially somato-vegetative and related to sexual function, were much more pronounced in the "cores".

In men of the older age group, 60-80 years old, the presence of CA and the severity of symptoms did not depend on the presence or absence of heart failure.

Previously, it was suggested that the deficiency of male hormones in heart failure may be caused by drugs that disrupt their metabolism, prescribed to maintain heart function. However, the authors conclude that heart failure itself affects the function of the endocrine glands, causing a deficiency of male sex hormones, accelerates the natural aging process and leads to early menopause.

As Professor Jankowska noted, further research in this direction is needed to find out whether hormone replacement therapy can improve the quality of life of such patients.

Portal "Eternal youth" http://vechnayamolodost.ru30.05.2013

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