21 November 2014

R&D in pharmaceuticals has gone up 2.5 times in 10 years

The cost of developing a new drug reaches $ 2.6 billion


The development of new prescription drugs takes more than ten years and costs almost 2.6 billion dollars. Such data is contained in the report of the Research Center in the Field of Drug Development at Tufts University Cost to Develop and Win Marketing Approval for a New Drug Is $2.6 Billion.

The authors of the work studied information on research funding for 106 drugs, the first phase of clinical trials of which took place from 1995 to 2007. It turned out that the pharmaceutical company directly invests $ 1.4 billion, another $ 1.2 billion is accounted for by investors. It is also worth considering that the cost of post-registration studies is about $ 312 million. Thus, the total cost of creating a new drug reaches $ 2.9 billion.

Tufts University scientists state that 10 years ago the costs of drug research were significantly lower. In a study published in 2003, it was reported that the development of drugs costs an average of $ 802 million (at the rate of 2000), which is $ 1.04 billion at the rate of 2013. Thus, the cost of research and market launch of the drug has increased by 145% over ten years – an average growth of 8.5% per year.

Experts tend to associate the increase in the cost of CI with the development of the principles of individual therapy and a high risk of failure of clinical trials.

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