29 August 2011

Synthetic genes are rapidly becoming cheaper

The Synthetic Revolution Industry
Maxim Alekhine, Researcher at the MIPT Center for High Technologies

Modern synthetic genomics simultaneously combines advanced techniques of chemical DNA synthesis with the use of huge computing power to design new nucleotide sequences. This approach allows scientists to create unique genetic material that cannot be obtained using conventional biotechnology methods. Experts predict that the synthetic genomics industry will see steady growth in the next five years. Very soon, this may affect the appearance of all mankind.

The technique of artificial production of DNA molecules was described back in 1979 in the work of the Nobel Prize winner in Physiology and Medicine Hara Gobind Korana. In fact, this ensured the creation of a new approach in genetic engineering. However, in the early stages, the technology was very complex and expensive. And the maximum possible length of the resulting nucleotide chains did not exceed 200 molecules at that time. It took more than 20 years of hard work by leading research teams from different countries in order to develop this direction to the extent that artificial synthesis of DNA sections could practically displace the cloning operation in most of the experiments conducted. The starting point of the origin of the synthetic genomics industry can be considered 1999, when several large corporations began to produce artificially obtained DNA sections on a commercial basis. New companies, such as Entelechon and Geneart, appeared to satisfy the needs of end consumers to a greater extent. The established enterprises invested in promising research in this area, made purchases of the most modern equipment.

Thus, soon custom gene synthesis became much more affordable, and subsequently only stimulated the development of demand. At the same time, new investments were attracted in scientific research. Despite the fact that a spasmodic growth is not yet expected in the near future, a stable growth in the field of synthetic genomics will be observed for at least another five years.

Since its inception in the late 1990s, the synthetic genomics industry has developed rapidly. However, in the beginning, the main emphasis was primarily on improving the quality of production. So, for the first few years, the cost of obtaining one nucleotide in the DNA sequence was on average €5. As the synthesis technology improved, the cost of production became no less important.

It is noteworthy that in the period from 2002 to 2005, the price on average decreased by 20% every year. After 2005, the reduction in price was no longer so sharp, but still amounted to about 10% per year. Currently, the cost of obtaining a DNA chain nucleotide is on average about €1, but this indicator can vary significantly within ± 50% depending on the type of synthesized molecules. A significant reduction in prices in the synthetic genomics industry has made research in the field of genetic engineering accessible to a wide range of scientists. This circumstance was one of the key factors in the doubling of the R&D budget in the field of biotechnology in the United States in the period from 1999 to 2008. According to experts, over the next five years, the cost of obtaining one nucleotide should reach the value of €0.3-0.5 while maintaining the pace of development of the synthetic genomics industry.

Today, there are more than 100 companies worldwide specializing in the synthesis of nucleotide DNA sequences. Among them: ATG Biosynthetics, Biomax Informatics, Febit, Sloning in Europe; Blue Heron, DNA 2.0, CODA Genomics in the USA; Geneworks in Australia; JBioS in Japan; Sangon, ShineGene in China; Evrogen in Russia. The volume of production of artificial genetic material averages about 100,000 samples per year. If the trend of falling prices continues, we can expect a doubling of the total annual output by 2015.

At the same time, there is an increase in the length of the chains of custom-synthesized DNA molecules. So in 2009, most companies accepted from 50 to 70% of requests for sequences of 500-2000 nucleotides. Orders for the synthesis of genes with a length of more than 40,000 nucleotides now account for a small fraction of the total production.

By now, in a little over ten years of its existence, synthetic genomics has turned from a revolutionary direction of scientific research into a rapidly developing industry. And the prospects here are huge. A person has the opportunity to create completely new forms of life, correct errors in the genome of his own body, prevent the inevitable and reverse genetic diseases and abnormalities. Only by directing the potential of synthetic genomics for the benefit of society, it is necessary to realize all the potential risks and possible unpredictable consequences of such activities and develop effective mechanisms to prevent them. Genetic engineers should understand that in the very near future they may be responsible for the appearance of all mankind.

Portal "Eternal youth" http://vechnayamolodost.ru29.08.2011

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