22 March 2022

Against myodystrophy and sarcopenia

A protein has been found that is able to reverse muscle aging

Svetlana Maslova, Hi-tech+

Scientists have identified a protein that plays a key role in the properties and development of muscle stem cells. Using the example of Duchenne muscular dystrophy, they showed that it is possible to reverse the development of an incurable disease. The next goal is to test the treatment on aging muscles that weaken with age.

Researchers from The University of Pennsylvania has discovered that the Piezo1 protein plays a crucial role in the ordering of unique forms of muscle stem cells, as well as their response to damage. The discovery contradicts the well-established understanding that stem cells have the same shape and are dormant in intact muscles, writes Science Daily.

Article by Ma et al. Piezo1 regulates the regenerative capacity of skeletal muscles via orchestration of stem cell morphological states published in the journal Science Advances – VM.

Observations have shown that muscle stem cells have various modifications necessary for environmental perception and response to injury, and all of them are controlled by Piezo1. The Piezo1 protein was identified several years ago, but until now its function in skeletal muscles was unknown.

The problem with previous studies on the nature of muscle stem cells was that most often they were studied only at a certain point in time. Now scientists have observed the entire cycle of this process.

It turned out that muscle stem cells have projections that they use to communicate with each other like neurons. Modifications vary depending on the cell category: active, intermediate and sensory type. The more active the cell, the fewer these protrusions it has and vice versa, the authors explain. Piezo1 acts as a regulator — dictates the shape and number of protrusions, and also determines their behavior.


In the figure from the article Ma et al. red indicates sarcomeres – contractile units of striated muscles, green – muscle stem cells with different numbers of protrusions and their branches – VM.

Experiments on mouse models showed that against the background of Duchenne muscular dystrophy, the level of Piezo1 in stem cells in rodents significantly decreased. Observing the reaction to the injury, the transition from the sensory state to the active one was greatly slowed down.

Then, with the help of the Yoda1 molecule, the Piezo1 balance was restored, which as a result led to the normal structure and function of stem cells and triggered enhanced regeneration.

"Despite recent advances in the treatment of Duchenne muscular dystrophy, new strategies do not take stem cells into account. Minimizing their depletion and supporting regeneration by reactivating Piezo1 can provide a key in the treatment of the disease, as well as improve the condition of aging muscles," concluded the author of the work Foteini Murkioti.

Earlier, another team of scientists presented a strategy for treating Duchenne muscular dystrophy by blocking sphingolipids, which also led to an improvement in the symptoms of the disease in animals.

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