07 November 2019

Analysis for decrepitude

Indicators of senile infirmity were detected in the blood

Svetlana Maslova, Hi-tech+

A simple blood test will help determine the degree of weakness of the body and assess the dangers. Scientists are already able to assess the condition of the elderly. The same test has the potential to predict risks from a young age.

Today there is no generally accepted set of clinical indicators for assessing senile infirmity. Doctors analyze the level of physical fitness, the number of fractures, the state of vision and hearing, as well as the presence of chronic diseases. The new blood test, as its authors hope, will reduce routine screening to a single test.

The blood test was developed by scientists from the UK and the USA. The work was published in the journal Nature Communications (Rattray et al., Metabolic dysregulation in vitamin E and carnitine shuttle energy mechanisms associate with human frailty), a press release New assessment could identify risks of frailty - on the website of the University of Strathclyde.

The researchers analyzed blood serum samples from 1,191 people aged 56 to 84 years, and then conducted a survey to assess the health status of 786 participants four years later.

Using machine learning to classify the biological signs of senile infirmity, scientists have identified 12 blood metabolites. These components, produced in the process of metabolism, distinguish stronger and healthier people from weaker ones, the authors explain.

A blood test evaluates not only the degree of "deterioration" of the body, but also the ability to withstand intensive courses of treatment, for example, chemotherapy.

In addition, the test indicates the possibility of minimizing developing age-related disorders.

So far, scientists have identified a set of biomarkers for testing elderly people, but the same approach can be adapted for middle-aged people to predict risks. The research will continue.

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