16 September 2021

Herpes and dementia: new data

New data confirm the link between herpes and neurodegeneration

Svetlana Maslova, Hi-tech+

Scientists have revealed new details about the mechanism linking the virus with the irreversible death of neurons. The association of viral infections with Alzheimer's disease has long been discussed by scientists, but so far there was not enough data to state a causal relationship between herpes and dementia.

Article by Ames et al. OPTN is a host intrinsic restriction factor against neuroinvasive HSV-1 infection published in the journal Nature Communications – VM.

The hypothesis that the cause of neurodegenerative diseases lies in earlier viral infections appeared more than half a century ago, but in the mid-1980s, the focus in scientific research shifted to the hypothesis of toxic proteins that provoke the death of neurons against the background of aggregations in the brain. A study by scientists at the University of Illinois at Chicago presents new data on the connection between herpes simplex virus and neurodegeneration and reveals its mechanism, according to a press release from UIC researchers find evidence of a possible link between herpes simplex and neurodegenerative diseases.

Experiments have shown that the key role in the mechanism is played by the protein optineurin, which provides antiviral function.

By removing the OPTN gene encoding it in one group of mice infected with the herpes simplex virus of the first type, scientists observed the rapid development of infection with severe consequences. A month later, they recorded brain tissue lesions and signs of significant neurodegeneration. External symptoms were manifested by a decrease in the cognitive functions of animals. In the control group, mice with OPTN did not have such rapid changes.

Further observations showed that OPTN deficiency provokes a violation of the immune response. These consequences may affect the relationship between herpes and neurodegeneration, the authors concluded.

Meanwhile, from previous studies, it is known about the association of OPTN mutation and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. It is likely that the effect of OPTN extends to other diseases, however, this remains to be seen.

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