25 February 2021

Prevent muscle atrophy

Scientists have found a way to prevent muscle degeneration

Svetlana Maslova, Hi-tech+

First of all, the therapy will be aimed at the treatment of sarcopenia, but it will also help with other conditions associated with muscle wasting – cancer or obesity. To achieve the desired therapeutic effect, it is necessary to reduce the level of one hormone, experiments have shown.

A new study by scientists from The University of Southern California has shown that exposure to the hormone myostatin can prevent the loss of muscle mass in mice. Muscle degeneration is observed in the elderly, as well as in patients with obesity or cancer. At any age, this condition increases the risk of developing diabetes, multiple organ failure, fractures and other negative health consequences.

Article by Kumagai et al. MOTS-c reduces myostatin and muscle atrophy signaling published in the American Journal of Physiology-Endocrinology and Metabolism – VM.

The scientists conducted experiments on obese mouse models that were treated with the MOTS-c peptide, which mimics the effect of exercise. The level of the hormone myostatin, which normally suppresses muscle growth, was 40% lower in mice after treatment.

Further observations showed that MOTS-c improves not only metabolic function, but also muscle mass. The researchers also found that higher levels of MOTS-c in humans correlated with lower levels of myostatin.

The scientists then identified the signaling pathway that MOTS-c uses to inhibit myostatin. "This discovery is important for the development of new drugs," explained co–author Jung Kim Soo.

Previously, scientists have shown that the introduction of MOTS-c improves insulin resistance in mice, both against the background of aging and with an unhealthy fatty diet. Summarizing these findings, scientists see great potential for developing treatments for muscle atrophy of various nature, including sarcopenia, insulin resistance and other causes.

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