16 November 2018

The Key to early cancer diagnosis

PET scans can detect tumors before lung cancer even begins

Svetlana Maslova, High-tech+

The new biomarker identifies a tumor not only at a curable stage, but also at a precancerous stage, when the neoplasm has not yet become malignant. And in the treatment of the most deadly type of cancer, an already approved drug will help.

Lung cancer is the main cause of cancer mortality in the world. Scientists from the University of California at Los Angeles (USA) have drawn attention to the mechanism by which malignant cells survive and grow, and found in it the key to early diagnosis of cancer at the initial stage, as well as precancerous conditions, according to the university's website (Researchers identify a mechanism that fuels cancer cells’ growth).

Article by Scafoglio et al. Sodium-glucose transporter 2 is a diagnostic and therapeutic target for early-stage lung adenocarcinoma published in the journal Science Translational Medicine – VM.

Malignant cells use glucose for energy and usually rely on its carriers such as GLUT. However, recent studies prove that some tumors, including lung, prostate and pancreatic cancers, rely on another glucose transporter protein – SGLT2.

The team implanted malignant human lung cancer cells into mice and performed PET scans to monitor the effect of SGLT2 inhibitors on treatment. The experiment showed that in the early and even precancerous stages of the tumor, it was SGLT2 that was used to transport glucose.

Scientists are confident that using SGLT2 as a biomarker, it is possible to diagnose a neoplasm even before it becomes malignant.

In addition, the researchers suggested that an existing drug for the treatment of diabetes – dapagliflozin – blocks the activity of SGLT2 in cancer cells as well. It will counteract the absorption of glucose by the tumor and thereby prevent its growth.

Meanwhile, another group of scientists from California has developed a technique to improve cancer immunotherapy. It already identifies immune cell receptors for various types of tumors with 100% accuracy. This will accelerate the development of immunotherapeutic agents and make treatment more affordable, the researchers are sure.

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