03 March 2021

What does glaucoma sound like?

A method for diagnosing glaucoma using sound waves has been developed

Georgy Golovanov, Hi-tech+

Researchers from the UK have found a simple and non–invasive way to measure intraocular pressure - the main method of diagnosing glaucoma. Their experiments have shown that in the future it will be possible to use smartphones for eye examination, and for this you do not have to go to the clinic.

Article by Soanes et al. Testing the viability of measuring intraocular pressure using soundwaves from a smartphone is published in the journal Engineering Reports – VM.

Glaucoma is a group of diseases of the optic nerve that lead to decreased visual acuity, optic nerve atrophy and blindness. Worldwide, 79.6 million people suffer from glaucoma. In most cases, vision loss can be prevented by timely preventive measures and treatment.

A number of the most common eye diseases show noticeable symptoms before the risk of vision loss becomes too serious, but in the case of glaucoma it is much more difficult. It is characterized by an increased risk of intraocular pressure.


An accurate and non-invasive way of monitoring ophthalmotonus could significantly increase the chances of preserving vision, according to a press release Smartphones could help to prevent glaucoma blindness – study.

The modern standard for measuring IOP is applanation tonometry, which requires anesthetic drops. This method does not always give an accurate result and is associated with the risk of infection. In addition, it cannot be carried out at home or in the field.

Scientists from The University of Birmingham conducted successful experiments on the use of sound waves in the early diagnosis of glaucoma. And they found a connection between the intraocular pressure of the object and its sound reflection coefficient.

They concluded that with further study of the geometry of the eye and its interaction with sound, it will be possible to use a smartphone to accurately measure IOP at home.

According to scientists from the USA, glaucoma will soon be able to be treated with an injection of a special hydrogel twice a year. It allows you to remove intraocular fluid, reducing IOP.

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