16 January 2015

An extra gene increases life expectancy by a third

Scientists have discovered the longevity gene

Alexander Khramov, Infox.ruScientists have found a special gene in fruit flies that is responsible for the destruction of diseased cells, Infox reports.

An additional copy of this gene extends life by more than 30%.

This conclusion was reached by Swiss geneticists from the University of Bern, whose article was published in the journal Cell: Merino et al., Elimination of Unfit Cells Maintains Tissue Health and Prolongs Lifespan (a press release by Researchers create Methuselah fly by selecting best cells is published on the university's website - VM).

According to the somatic theory of aging, with age, cells damaged as a result of the action of ultraviolet and other factors accumulate in the body. Gradually, there are so many of them that the internal organs begin to fail and the body dies. The authors of the article found out that this process can be slowed down.

Working with fruit flies, fruit flies, scientists have discovered a gene called azot. It is responsible for the destruction of damaged cells both during embryonic development and throughout life. It turned out that if azot is blocked, the number of defective cells in the body of flies grows 100 times, so that they begin to make up to 20% of the tissue volume.

Diagram from the article in Cell – VM

On the contrary, the life expectancy of clones equipped with three copies of this gene is about 35-41% higher than that of ordinary flies with two copies of azot. By participating in the destruction of defective cells, azot increases the resistance of insects to radiation. After a large dose of radiation, 99% of insects in which this gene was turned off died, and only 62% of individuals in whom it worked.

There is an analog of the azot gene in humans, the researchers note. They hope that the discovery will help in the fight against aging and cancer.

Portal "Eternal youth" http://vechnayamolodost.ru16.01.2015

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