23 April 2012

Olive oil with fullerenes – the elixir of youth?

Eating Carbon Buckyballs could be the Key to Longevity

DailyTechInfo based on GIZMODO: Bucky Balls Could Double Your LifespanIt is believed that carbon nanotubes, graphene film particles and particles from other forms of carbon having a monatomic thickness have bright carcinogenic properties and are therefore very toxic when ingested by living organisms through the respiratory tract or through the mouth.

Therefore, many groups of scientists are conducting research aimed at identifying the negative effects of various nano-carbon forms on living organisms in order to find out what the penetration of nanotechnology into many areas of our life is fraught with in the future for people. Similar studies, not on humans, of course, but on rodents, are also conducted by scientists at the Universite Paris Sud University in France. The scientists used several groups of experimental laboratory rats, which were mixed with a certain amount of fullerene C60 in their food. And, the results caught the researchers themselves by surprise.

The scientists used three groups of experimental rats. One group acted as a control group that did not receive any supplements to ordinary food and lived the most ordinary rat life. Olive oil was added to the second group of rodents, and the third group as an additive received the same amount of olive oil as the second group, but with C60 fullerene mixed into it, tiny balls, buckyballs consisting of 60 carbon atoms, at a concentration of 0.8 mg/ml.

In the results of these experiments, which were published in the journal Biomaterials (Baati et al., The prolongation of the lifespan of rats by repeated oral administration of [60]fullerene; look at the most impressive graph from this article – VM), scientists found shocking facts.

The average life expectancy of the rats of the control group was 22 months, the rats of the second group, who received additional olive oil, lived on average 26 months.

But the most interesting was the result of the third group, the rats from which lived for an average of 42 months, almost twice as long as the rats of the control group.

Additional studies have shown that the presence of fullerenes reduces the intensity of oxidative processes in cells that contribute to their aging.

Of course, it is difficult to underestimate the importance of the discovery made, because every person in the world wants to live as long as possible.

This is what scientists, alchemists and shamans have been struggling with for many centuries. But it's worth adding a spoonful of tar to this barrel of honey. The results obtained are only the first such results, the reliability of which must be confirmed more than once. I will add that a lot of studies that have given obvious positive results in rats have not given positive results in humans. And in any case, scientists still have a lot of hellish work ahead of them, which should reveal all the side effects and negative effects from the use of fullerenes. Only after that, and only in the case of proven safety of consumption, you will be able to fill salads with olive oil enriched with fullerene C60, in the hope of a long and happy life.

Portal "Eternal youth" http://vechnayamolodost.ru23.04.2012

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