25 June 2014

Cancer alertness will be stimulated financially

Moscow doctors will receive a prize for early diagnosis of cancer

Copper newsDoctors of Moscow polyclinics will be paid bonuses if they manage to detect cancer of the first or second stage in a patient.

Moreover, doctors of different specialties will receive the money: therapists, gastroenterologists, pulmonologists and other specialists, Leonid Pechatnikov, Deputy Mayor for Social Development, told Izvestia.

Now the capital's CHI fund is trying to determine the possible amount of premiums. It was he who was instructed to develop a mechanism for encouraging doctors, since since 2015 cancer in Russia will be treated at the expense of the fund, not the state budget.

So far, two-thirds of cancers in Russia are detected already at the third and fourth stages, when it is difficult or almost impossible to cure the disease. "The Fund should analyze how much money can remain if those patients whose cancer is detected at the third and fourth stages begin to be treated at the first and second stages. This amount can be transferred to the awarding of doctors,"– said Printers.

In the regions, this practice already exists – for example, in the Krasnoyarsk Territory. There, the therapist receives a salary increase if he finds signs of cancer in the patient, sends him to an oncologist, and his fears are confirmed. Other specialists may also suspect the disease, Director of the Center for Social Economics David Melik-Huseynov is convinced.

"For example, dentists are often the first to notice laryngeal cancer. Skin cancer in general can often be seen with the naked eye by any specialist, but many people die from this disease because it is detected at the last stage. Therefore, the primary link – polyclinics – should be more attentive to the person and, if suspicions arise, send him for research," he explained.

Experts believe that it's not just about the motivation of doctors. The problem lies in the fact that Russians do not like to undergo medical examination, lead an unhealthy lifestyle and even in case of serious illness do not rush to see a doctor. In addition, there is a risk that a doctor in pursuit of money will scare cancer patients and send them for all kinds of research, even if there are no medical grounds for this.

Portal "Eternal youth" http://vechnayamolodost.ru25.06.2014

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