18 March 2019

Even at work

Finnish doctors urged to allow employees to sleep in the workplace

RIA News

The world is in a global epidemic of sleep loss, so it would be worthwhile to allow people to take a break from work for a short afternoon nap, says Kirsti Kaleva, a somnologist at Helsinki University Hospital.

Every third Friday in March, the world celebrates World Sleep Day. This year it was held on March 15.

A tight work schedule, a long time on the way to work, a speeding up rhythm of life – all this leads to a decrease in the amount of sleep in every person's life, scientists are sure.

According to her, sleep loss can seriously damage health. "In fact, our health is extremely dependent on the amount of sleep. Sleep also has an impact on productivity, which is already forcing some companies to reconsider their attitude to rest. Lack of sleep costs most developed countries 2% of their GDP. And it is extremely important to find time for a short break with lack of sleep," the somnologist is convinced.

Daytime sleep can help improve performance without interfering with nighttime sleep. "Many studies show that sleeping about 20 minutes in the afternoon has a positive effect on mood and concentration," Kaleva notes.

Some employers in Finland have already allowed flexible working hours for employees according to their chronotype – an internal clock that programs sleep time and determines whether you are a "lark" or an "owl".


"I generally support sleep in the workplace, even if it just signals some degree of recognition of the importance of sleep by people in leadership positions," says Kaleva.

According to her, organizational, social and structural changes are needed. She added that she sympathizes with the French law, which gives employees the right to disconnect from emails after hours.

Since 2016, the Employment Law has come into force in France, which obliges organizations with more than 50 people to start negotiations to determine the right of employees to ignore work emails. The measures are designed to solve the so-called "always online" work culture, which has led to a surge in, as a rule, unpaid overtime and work of employees outside the office. According to the law, companies are required to coordinate agreements with employees about their rights and how they can reduce the invasion of their privacy. If no agreement is reached, the company must publish a charter that would clearly define the requirements and rights of employees outside of working hours.

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