24 September 2020

And you will be happy

On the effectiveness of the use of PPE in the spread of acute respiratory viral infections


The Central Research Institute of Epidemiology of Rospotrebnadzor conducted the project "Monitoring of pathogens of SARS, influenza and COVID-19 in the interepidemic period".

Within the framework of the project, an analysis of the effectiveness of the use of PPE (medical mask, gloves, hand treatment with disinfectants, and their combinations) was carried out.

According to the results, it was found that among those who used PPE, the number of people infected with various pathogens of ARVI was statistically significantly less than among those who did not use PPE.

Wearing a medical mask reduced the likelihood of infection with various respiratory infections by 1.8 times, the use of gloves – by 1.3 times.

In the presence of contact with patients with acute respiratory infections, wearing a medical mask reduced the probability of infection with pathogens by 1.8 times, the use of gloves reduced the probability of infection by 2.7 times.

Medical masks for respiratory protection are recommended to use:

– when visiting crowded places, traveling on public transport during the period of increasing incidence of acute respiratory viral infections;
– when caring for patients with acute respiratory viral infections;
– when communicating with persons with signs of acute respiratory viral infection; 
– at the risk of infection with other airborne infections.

To protect yourself from infection, it is extremely important to wear a mask correctly: 

– the mask should be carefully fixed, tightly close the mouth and nose, leaving no gaps;
– try not to touch the surfaces of the mask when removing it, if you have touched it, wash your hands thoroughly with soap or alcohol;
– a wet or damp mask should be replaced with a new, dry one; 
– do not use a disposable mask again; 
– the used disposable mask should be disposed of, preferably in a bag.

When caring for a patient, after the end of contact with the sick person, the mask should be removed immediately. After removing the mask, you must wash your hands immediately and thoroughly.


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