08 September 2022

Another risk factor

The risks of heart disease are higher in men with osteoporosis and bone fractures

Svetlana Maslova, Hi-tech+

This conclusion was reached by British scientists who observed more than 300 thousand men and women. Their work indicates a new risk factor for cardiovascular diseases, which is not yet taken into account by doctors.

Today there are a large number of calculators for assessing the risks of cardiovascular diseases, but they do not include bone pathology in the list of potential causes of such problems. A study by a team from Oxford University (Pineda-Moncusí et al., Estimating the Incident and Key Risk Factors of Cardiovascular Disease in Patients at High Risk of Imminent Fracture Using Routinely Collected Real-World Data From the UK) demonstrates that now these criteria will have to be revised.

Scientists analyzed the data of more than 300 thousand people who represented three different groups, writes EurekAlert. The first group was diagnosed with osteoporosis, the second had at least one case of bone fracture, and the participants of the third group took drugs to prevent osteoporosis.

It turned out that all three cohorts demonstrated increased risks for heart attack, stroke and deaths from cardiovascular events. In people over 50 years of age, the incidence of cardiovascular events during the year of observation ranged from 19 to 52%.

The highest risks were noted in the group with cases of fractures. Men had higher risks than women.

In addition to gender, the potential causes included old age, smoking, alcohol consumption, a previous stroke or heart attack, arrhythmia, decreased kidney function, high blood pressure and cholesterol levels.

The results obtained should improve the assessment of the risks of cardiovascular diseases in the population, the authors believe. Currently, they confirm their findings in the framework of larger-scale studies, after which bone pathology can be attributed to risk factors for heart and vascular diseases.

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