08 February 2013

Better less, yes better

Vitamin C increases the risk of kidney stones

ABC MagazineMen taking large doses of vitamin C double the risk of kidney stones forming in their kidneys.

This is reported by researchers from the Karolinska Institute in Stockholm in an article published in the journal JAMA Internal Medicine: Ascorbic Acid Supplements and Kidney Stone Incident Among Men: A Prospective Study.

Some scientists suggest that there is a connection between the consumption of ascorbic acid and urolithiasis, since vitamin C is excreted in the urine in the form of oxalate salts, which are one of the main "building materials" for stones. To find out whether vitamin C intake affects the formation of kidney stones, the researchers analyzed data on 23,355 male participants in the Swedish Men study, whose average age was 59 years. The study has been going on for more than 10 years. During this time, 436 cases of the formation of new kidney stones were registered in the participants.

Comparing the consumption of vitamin C by men, the scientists were convinced that kidney stones appear on average in 310 men out of 100 thousand who take large doses of vitamin C, and only in 163 out of 100 thousand who do not take vitamin at all. Thus, increased intake of vitamin C increases the risk of urolithiasis by 1.92 times. The highest risk is for men taking more than 7 "ascorbic" per week (in Sweden, 1 tablet contains an average of 1000 mg of vitamin). The minimum recommended intake of vitamin C for adults is from 40 to 90 mg per day. The risk is also extremely high for those men whose history has already had urolithiasis.

Interestingly, taking ascorbic acid as part of multivitamins does not affect the formation of kidney stones in any way. Therefore, scientists urge men not to abuse a separate intake of vitamin C, especially since by itself it is not able to resist colds, flu or cardiovascular diseases. It is much safer in this case to take multivitamin medications.

Portal "Eternal youth" http://vechnayamolodost.ru08.02.2013

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