26 September 2013

People with the right bite live 20% longer

Wisdom Tooth
Should I delete it and why?Irina Krasnopolskaya, Rossiyskaya Gazeta

An elderly woman turned to the clinic of aesthetic dentistry.

She didn't have removable dentures. It was not only unsightly, but also did not allow normal conversation, eating. And this is because the woman no longer had teeth on which to fix prostheses.

The case is not an isolated one. Is there a way out of this situation? The observer of "RG" talks about this with a member of the Board of Dentists of Russia and a member of the American Association of Dentists IACE Amiran Lezgishvili.

– Amiran Efremovich! Let's start right away with the answer to the main question: can we help such patients?

Amiran Lezgishvili: The modern level of dentistry allows you to respond positively. In such situations, we suggest that patients put at least two dental implants. You can fix a prosthesis on them. But since our conversation began with a specific case when the patient flatly refused to install implants, we found another solution to the problem.

– What is it?

Lezgishvili: After the picture was taken, the patient revealed an uncut wisdom tooth. It was in him that salvation was. We "helped" this tooth to erupt, and a prosthesis was fixed on it.

– And if there was no such tooth, then the only way out is to install implants?

Lezgishvili: It would be possible to recommend modern adhesives for fixing prostheses. But this is not the most healthy option.

– So, long live the wisdom teeth? In the old days, people were rid of them, although the removal of such teeth in the old days was not an easy matter.

Lezgishvili: Not only in the past, but also in our time. And do not throw a stone at dentists for this. Wisdom teeth often become an obstacle to a normal bite and even teeth. Often, when the eighth teeth begin to erupt – they are the wisdom teeth - the curvature of other teeth begins. They get cramped, wisdom teeth press them, the dental arch is broken, the bite is broken. In addition, the eruption of wisdom teeth is often accompanied by various complications.

– I don't understand you: so are wisdom teeth good or evil? Does everyone have them or not? And why do they have such a proud name – wisdom teeth?

Lezgishvili: In ancient times, people had to chew hard food, eat raw meat. They even screwed something with their teeth, broke something. And as archaeological excavations show, there were practically no dental lesions such as caries or erosion of tooth enamel.

- why?

Lezgishvili: In those distant years there was no sugar, flour products. And these are the main enemies of teeth. Further. Jaws were constantly at work, in hard work. This strengthened and tempered them. From labor, the jaws gained mass, and people needed additional chewing eighth teeth. These appeared after the end of the formation of the skeleton – somewhere after 18 years. And centuries ago, life expectancy was an order of magnitude less. And those who stepped over 18 were already considered wise. Hence the name.

– And in our time, as far as I understand, the attitude to wisdom teeth is ambiguous. For example, in advanced Japan, some children are almost killed in infancy by the rudiments of these teeth.

Lezgishvili: The Japanese are not giants, and therefore often cutting wisdom teeth can lead to any complications or anomalies of the dental-maxillary system. It's the same in Russia: often people of small stature, fragile physique, more often women, become victims of wisdom teeth. Their removal is much more difficult than ordinary teeth. If we dentists know how many roots a sixth or fifth or seventh tooth has, then no dentist will tell you without pictures how many roots a wisdom tooth has – maybe 1 root, maybe 4.

– In short, wisdom teeth are not a sign of wisdom. But do we need to get rid of these teeth, or is it better to keep them just in case - in case prosthetics are needed?

Lezgishvili: And can you answer the question, remove the appendix when it does not give any signs about itself, or leave and live with it? So it is in this case. If the wisdom tooth does not bring you pain, does not interfere with your bite, aesthetic appearance, then do not touch it. After all, it is known that people with the right bite live 20% longer than those with bite problems. And there is one conclusion: after 12-13 years, it is necessary to pass a check at the dentist. And in the future to include dental examination in the medical examination program.

Portal "Eternal youth" http://vechnayamolodost.ru26.09.2013

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