24 May 2013

The most useful drinks for the kidneys

Beer protects the kidneys from stones better than other drinks

Medical Daily News: Sugary Drinks May Increase Kidney Stone Risk; Coffee, Beer, and Wine Might Lower ItSugary carbonated drinks significantly increase the risk of kidney stones, while drinking coffee, tea, beer, wine and orange juice, on the contrary, reduces this risk.

At the same time, beer is the most effective in this regard – its regular consumption, as shown by the results of a large-scale study on this topic conducted by specialists from Boston Brigham and Women's Hospital and published in the journal Clinical Journal of the American Society of Nephrology (Ferraro et al.,), reduces the likelihood of developing kidney stones by almost half.

The authors analyzed information about almost 200 thousand participants in three large long-term surveys concerning the dynamics of the health status, diet and lifestyle of Americans, which lasted more than eight years. During this time, almost 4.5 thousand participants were diagnosed with kidney stones. The researchers divided these people into groups based on what kind of drinks they mainly consume and in what quantities.

Analysis of the results showed that regular consumption of sweetened soda based on cola increases the risk of kidney stones by 23 percent, sweetened soda not based on cola – by 33 percent, sweetened drinks based on fruit juice – by 18 percent.

At the same time, as the researchers found, regular consumption of caffeinated coffee, on the contrary, reduces the risk of kidney stones by 26 percent, decaffeinated coffee – by 16 percent, tea – by 11 percent, wine – from 31 to 33 percent, beer – by 41 percent, and natural orange juice – by 12 percent.

According to the authors, the reasons for the revealed phenomenon may be due to the fact that increased sugar intake disrupts the metabolism of calcium, which is involved in the formation of kidney stones. In addition, high sugar intake leads to obesity, which is also a risk factor for kidney stones.

Portal "Eternal youth" http://vechnayamolodost.ru24.05.2013

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