11 June 2009

Alternative medicine: 2.5 billion in the wind

The US wasted $2.5 billion on alternative medicineFor 10 years, the US government has spent two and a half billion dollars to study the effectiveness of alternative and alternative medicine methods.

Most of the studied methods of treatment turned out to be ineffective.

The National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine (NCCAM), established by the US Congress, has conducted many studies that have confirmed the failure of treatment with various alternative means and methods, including echinacea, ginkgo, shark cartilage, acupressure, energy fields, brain waves, magnets and many others. Despite this, supporters of these treatments continue to receive grants for their study and development.

In the course of research, the effectiveness has been confirmed for only a few methods. NCCAM specialists have found out that ginger capsules relieve nausea caused by chemotherapy. Yoga, massage and meditation help to relieve fatigue, tension and anxiety.

After the creation of NCCAM in 1999, the US Congress allocated him $ 50 million. In 2008, the center's budget was $122 million. Half of the 18 members of the NCCAM expert commission are supporters of non-traditional treatment. Many of their approved studies funded by the center are carried out by their colleagues. Some experts have received grants themselves.

NCCAM Director Josephine Briggs explained to the AP that the modest results of many years of research may be due to the fact that the impact of non-traditional methods of treatment on pain, fatigue, anxiety, memory can only be assessed subjectively.

Copper news based on AP materials: $2.5 billion spent, no alternative cures foundPortal "Eternal youth" http://vechnayamolodost.ru/


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