01 April 2010

Biotechnology in Chinese

China is developing biotechnologies
ChinaPROMarch 26, 2010 industry portal bionity.com he reported with reference to the company Novumed Life Science Consulting that China currently ranks fifth among the world's "biotech powers" – after the United States, Great Britain,

Germany and Australia. According to analysts, government incentives, low wage costs and highly educated staff have led to the emergence of a large number of small innovative biotech firms. 

China has long been considered an attractive pharmaceutical market. Firstly, the population of 1.3 billion people has a huge purchasing potential. Secondly, low wage costs make outsourcing of production, research or services very attractive. Chinese contract research organizations have long been providing services in the field of combinatorial chemistry, high-performance screening and up to preclinical testing.

In terms of the number of research projects conducted in the Asia-Pacific region, China lags only behind Australia, leaving Korea and Japan behind. In addition, many R&D projects are in a progressive stage. More than half of the projects are already in the clinical phase or at the resolution stage. The focus of Chinese drug development is in the field of infectious diseases. Most pharmacological substances are low molecular weight, while the number of medicines of biological origin is steadily increasing.

China's competitive positioning is the result of many factors, among which one of the most important is large-scale public financing. The Chinese government invests in cutting-edge technology parks and supports biotech start-up companies. Today, five out of 50 Chinese technology parks are specialized in the field of life sciences.

According to analysts, Chinese biotech companies, among other things, are very attractive in terms of price: financing five Chinese companies costs the same as one European one.

Portal "Eternal youth" http://vechnayamolodost.ru01.04.2010

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