28 July 2020

Cray X – 4

Exoskeleton to help the Euro loader

Sergey Syrov, XX2 century

The European technology company German Bionic has already launched the fourth generation of Cray X exoskeletons, the purpose of which is to facilitate physical labor.


This is not the first time we have written about exoskeletons – why they are needed, and what steps have been taken on the way to the mass introduction of technology in various fields of human activity.

What does German Bionic offer? A wearable carbon fiber device equipped with two servomotors, the power of which compensates for the lifting of 28 kg. In addition to the fact that any load becomes lighter for a person, the design protects the lumbar spine from excessive load. The energy for the operation of the device is stored in a replaceable lithium battery, the manufacturer states that one charge should be enough for a working shift – eight hours.


German Bionic exoskeleton (one of the previous models) at Stuttgart airport.

The new exoskeleton can be part of a "smart factory", it is compatible with the Cray Visor augmented reality system.

You can't buy Cray X. Company German Bionic distributes the exoskeleton by subscription – the rental price for corporate clients starts from 699 euros per month (two-year subscription).

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