14 July 2008

Do you want children? Fight obesity!

Scottish scientists from the University of Aberdeen have found that men with a high body mass index are characterized by a small volume of seminal fluid and an increased relative content of abnormal sperm.

The authors studied the spermograms of 5316 men who applied to the Center for Infertility Patients located in Aberdeen due to difficulties with conception. It is known that excess weight is a risk factor for problems with conception in women, so scientists have suggested that a similar pattern may be true for men.

Men, among whom there were both individuals with a body weight deficit and those with a significant excess of it, were divided into 4 groups according to the body mass index. After that, the researchers studied the relationship between body mass index and sperm quality, taking into account such parameters as the duration of the abstinence period before receiving a sperm sample, smoking, alcohol consumption, age, and even social deprivation (violations of an individual's contacts with society). The highest levels of normal sperm in semen were observed in men of the group with an optimal body mass index (20-25, according to the WHO classification). This group was also characterized by a larger volume of sperm. At the same time, no significant differences in sperm concentration and motility were registered in all four groups.

The authors did not evaluate the frequency of sperm DNA damage and preferred to study the parameters of routine sperm quality analysis, which all visitors to the clinic for infertility patients take at least once. However, there is already evidence of a relationship between male obesity and an increase in the frequency of sperm DNA damage, which also reduces the ability to conceive.

According to the authors, the results obtained practically do not depend on other factors. This means that men trying to conceive a child should pay attention to achieving an optimal body mass index, which in itself will improve many health indicators.

They also emphasize that it is necessary to study the mechanisms by which obesity affects the quality of sperm. In their opinion, possible factors are hormonal background features, overheating of the testicles due to excessive fat accumulation in this area, as well as possibly leading to obesity lifestyle and diet.

Portal "Eternal youth" www.vechnayamolodost.ru based on the materials of ScienceDaily


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