17 July 2017

Early diagnosis of pancreatic cancer

Scientists have found a way to detect pancreatic cancer in the early stages


Scientists from the USA have found biomarkers that can detect pancreatic cancer in the early stages. The study was published in the journal Science Translational Medicine (Kim et al., Detection of early pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma with thrombospondin-2 and CA19-9 blood markers – VM).

It was possible to detect the necessary biomarkers using a model developed by one of the authors in 2013. First, scientists created a cell line based on the cells of a patient with pancreatic flow adenocarcinoma. Then cancer cells at a late stage of development were reprogrammed into stem cells, which then allowed to restart the process of cancer development and find out which biomarkers correspond to the early stage of the disease.

Diagram from the University of Pennsylvania press release 
Blood Test for Early Detection of Pancreatic Cancer Headed to Clinic – VM.

After studying 746 samples, the researchers concluded that the best candidate for biomarkers for early diagnosis is the protein thrombospondin-2 (THBS2). The authors of the study expect that together with the control of the content of CA19-9 protein in the blood, a well-known biomarker of late-stage pancreatic cancer, it will be possible to effectively diagnose pancreatic cancer at any stage. THBS2 will also help distinguish pancreatic cancer from other cancers, they believe.

Portal "Eternal youth" http://vechnayamolodost.ru  17.07.2017

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