20 December 2018

Holy Scripture intramuscularly

Biohacker injected himself with the DNA of the Bible and The Koran


A teenager from France encrypted passages from the Bible and the Koran using a sequence of nucleotides and injected himself with the resulting DNA. According to the information portal Iflscience (High School Student Injects The Book Of Genesis Into His Body – VM), the scientific community dubbed the young man an idiot.

Adrien Locatelli from the city of Grenoble decided to conduct a life-threatening experiment because he wanted to know "if it's even possible to do this."

He encrypted all the names of the Jewish characters in Genesis except for the heroes of verses 2:10 to 2:14 and from 7:1 to 7:5, because they seemed to him "contradictory." He also encoded the entire 13th chapter of the Quran. Locatelli synthesized macromolecules in the laboratory and injected them into the leg.

"Recent studies have shown that any information can be encrypted with DNA and stored in this form. I became the first living being to store text. This is very symbolic, even if it does not bring any benefit," biohacker said. According to him, so far he has had no side effects, only his leg swelled up for a few days after the injection.

Locatelli's experiment shocked netizens, most commentators found it stupid and irresponsible. "Dear biohackers and others. Please stop. You idiots," he wrote on Twitter Isaac Stoner (Isaac Stoner), head of a company engaged in research on resistance to antibiotics.


Ella Watkins, a graduate of the California Institute of Technology, commented on the incident as follows: "Such an avant-garde approach and disrespect for scientific ethics makes me afraid that an idiot will be to blame at the end of humanity."

The message Locatelli The first injection in a human being ofmacromolecules whose primary structure was developed from a religious text is published on the website of the Center for Open Science - VM.

Portal "Eternal youth" http://vechnayamolodost.ru

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