17 January 2022

IPSC against spinal cord injury

In Japan, for the first time, spinal surgery was performed using iPS cells

RIA News

Specialists of Keio University of Japan performed the world's first spinal injury surgery using induced iPS stem cells.

As noted in the press release of the university, clinical trials started in December last year. As part of the tests, specialists will transplant nerve cells grown from iPS cells to four patients.

The first such operation was performed at the university hospital. The age, gender and nature of the injury are not specified. During it, 2 million nerve cells were transplanted to a person. Currently, the patient or patient is undergoing rehabilitation at the Murayama Medical Center in Tokyo.

As Professor Hideyuki Okano noted during the press conference, the condition of the person who underwent the operation is "extremely good." Over the next three months, specialists intend to collect data on the health status of the patient or patient, after which they will be submitted for examination by independent experts.

In the event that the procedure is deemed safe, the operation for the second of the four patients may take place after April.

In 2006 , Professor of the University Kyoto 44-year-old Shinya Yamanaka was the first in the world to receive a stem cell from an ordinary human skin cell. The cells were called induced pluripotent (artificial multifunctional) stem cells-iPS. Yamanaka was awarded the Nobel Prize in 2012. The discovery sparked an explosion of research in the field of regenerative medicine. Scientists have learned how to grow heart muscle cells, intestines, pancreas, retina, blood, skin, nerve cells, egg, sperm cells and kidney nephrons from them.

The world's first operation using artificial multifunctional iPS cells was performed in Japan in 2014. A 70-year–old patient with a severe retinal disease – age-related macular degeneration (macular degeneration) - had skin cells taken from which artificial iPS stem cells were grown. Retinal pigment epithelial cells of the retina were then grown from them, which were transplanted during the operation.

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