12 January 2018

IT giants invest in genomics

2018: Microsoft and Google Investments


On January 2, 2018, Microsoft and Google announced an investment of $58 million in the promotion of the company's DNAnexus cloud platform, used for the analysis of large arrays of biomedical data and the development of research in the field of genomics.

Genomics, bioinformatics and individualized medicine attract more and more large investors and developers of new technologies who set themselves the task of including them in the clinician's workflow.

"The funding allows us to continue developing and launching our technologies in the field of translational medicine, as well as expand the management of genomic data obtained in clinical trials," says Richard Daly, CEO of DNAnexus. "The next wave of biomedical ideas will depend on the interaction of many organizations working in several directions simultaneously with large amounts of data."

Daly stated that as biomedical data accumulates, the developers of the DNAnexus platform and upcoming updates will seek to cooperate with other companies, expand the sharing of data and machine learning technologies. All these steps are aimed at the development of individualized medicine.

Earlier in 2017, DNAnexus launched the Mosaic Microbiome platform in order to study the human microbiome and the Brain's Deep Variant technology early implementation program, in which Google is going to invest. The company also announced a collaboration with the AstraZeneca-owned Genomics Research Center and the Rady Children's Institute of Genomic Medicine.

In addition to Microsoft and Google, Foresight Capital is ready to become an investor in DNAnexus. In addition, TPG Biotech, WuXi NextCODE, Claremont Creek Ventures and MidCap Financial also participated in supporting new genomic research.

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