25 January 2013

Like a bullet from DNA

The gun shoots DNA tags

XakepThe British firm Selectamark Security Systems has released a new type of weapon that is designed to bind suspects to the crime scene.

If such a weapon hits a person, then fragments of synthetic DNA remain on it for several weeks. Biological markers are absolutely harmless to the body, while they are easily detected with the help of special equipment.

Plastic pistols and rifles of the SelectaDNA High Velocity system shoot capsules weighing 1 gram. Each store contains 14 capsules with the same DNA markers, so they can tag up to 14 people.

Targeted shooting is possible from a distance of up to 35-40 meters. A similar system can be used by the police to mark violators of order at a distance for the purpose of their subsequent arrest, according to a press release from Selectamark. For example, you can tag all the participants of an unauthorized rally, and then arrest them one by one.

Portal "Eternal youth" http://vechnayamolodost.ru25.01.2013

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