08 August 2023

It turned out that blood sugar levels are lowered by a drink popular in Russia

A small study has shown that a popular fermented beverage lowers blood glucose levels to recommended levels.

Kombucha or tea mushroom is a generic name for several types of beverage that are produced through fermentation. Using tea mushroom and water, a sweet and sour carbonated soft drink, also called tea kvass, is made. According to a new study, and may help type II diabetes patients control their blood glucose levels.

Previously, the drink was radiated to test how it affected blood sugar levels. One study showed that in healthy people, it kept spikes in plasma glucose and insulin when consumed with carbohydrate-rich foods.

Now, researchers at Georgetown University Medical Center have found that tea mushroom lowers blood sugar in people with type II diabetes.

The researchers divided a group of subjects into two and asked one of them to drink about 240 ml of kombucha a day for four weeks. The control group drank a placebo. At the same time, the participants ate their usual and customary meals. The groups were then switched.

At the end of the experiment, both groups had decreased fasting blood glucose levels from an average of 164 to 116 milliagrams per deciliter (mg/dL). Meanwhile, the recommended range for blood sugar levels is 70 to 130 mg/dL.

Researchers now plan to conduct a larger study.

The study is published in the journal Frontiers in Nutrition.
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