28 September 2016

Roller coasters remove kidney stones

"Attic" based on Michigan State University: Got kidney stones? Ride a roller coaster

Scientists from The University of Michigan found out that the turns of the roller coaster remove kidney stones. And it is best to go to the tail of the attraction for this.

Medical scientists have investigated how the centrifugal force on the attraction helps to remove kidney stones. To do this, they used a silicone model of the kidney and placed stones of different sizes in it – small (4.5 mm3), medium (13.5 mm3) and large (64.6 mm3). Scientists put a silicone kidney with stones in a backpack and went to Disneyland, where they rode a roller coaster 60 times at an average speed of 56 km / h. Each of the races lasted 2.5 minutes. The testers conditionally divided the amusement cars into front and rear and repeated the experiment for both categories.

As a result, they found out that the result strongly depends on the trailer. It is best to ride in the back – 64% of the stones came out of the kidney when the testers were there. The front trailers helped only 17% of the stones to get out.

Scientists believe that riding a roller coaster can help remove small stones, especially their fragments, after a course of crushing stones with shock wave therapy. In addition, they believe that riding a roller coaster will be useful for women who are planning to get pregnant and have started taking calcium and vitamin D – pregnant women often lack calcium, the shortage is filled with pills, and due to calcium intake, the risk of kidney stones increases.

The study is published in The Journal of the American Osteopathic Association. 

Portal "Eternal Youth" http://vechnayamolodost.ru  28.09.2016

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