24 October 2016

The US intends to allow gene therapy in 2017


The American biomedical company Spark Therapeutics is "extremely close" to obtaining permission from the relevant US department to conduct the first commercial courses of gene therapy.

According to the MIT Technolohy Review, this was stated by the co-founder of the company Catherine High.

Spark Therapeutics is only the second company to apply to the FDA for permission to provide such medical services. But she can get permission first, next year.

The gene therapy method that the company is going to use on a commercial basis is called SPK-RPE65. It is aimed at correcting a mutation in the cells of the retina of the eye that leads to blindness. No medications help from this disease, which is called hereditary retinal dystrophy.

In Europe, two companies have already received permits to provide commercial gene therapy services: Strimvelis and Glybera.

Portal "Eternal youth" http://vechnayamolodost.ru  24.10.2016

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